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November 22, 2000

Christmas Shopping Facts And Figures

Source: Richard A. Feinberg, (765) 494-8301; e-mail: [email protected].

WEST LAFAYETTE, Ind. -- A Purdue University expert on retail sales puts the holiday shopping season into both Indiana and national perspectives.

Richard A. Feinberg, professor of consumer sciences and retailing, has released holiday shopping facts and figures based on data from the Purdue Retail Institute, the National Retail Federation, and the International Council of Shopping Centers:

* Although many believe the Friday after Thanksgiving is the busiest shopping day of the year, it is not. It is the fifth to tenth busiest day.

* The Friday (12/22 this year) and Saturday (12/23) before Christmas are the two busiest shopping days of the year.

* Nine of the top 10 busiest shopping days of the year are in December.

* Percentage of annual holiday retail sales nationally, based on 1999 data:

* Thanksgiving weekend: 8.5 percent

* Nov. 30 - Dec. 7: 13.7 percent

* Dec. 6 -12: 18.3 percent

* Dec. 13 - 19: 25 percent

* Dec. 20 - 24: 24 percent

* Dec. 26 - 31: 11 percent

* This year, it is estimated the average family will spend $1,161 on gifts and a total of $1,684 on holiday-related items.

* Last year, 44 percent of Indiana families spent more than they budgeted during the holiday season.

* Fifty-seven percent of Hoosier shoppers say they will finish their holiday shopping during the last week before Christmas.

* November and December represent about 27 percent of all retail shopping done in the state annually. This adds up to approximately $21 billion in holiday retail sales.

* Most purchased holiday item: clothing.

Out to the mall:

* This year, most malls began decorating for the Christmas holidays on Oct. 15. Fewer than 15 percent of malls decorate for a holiday other than Christmas.

* Malls using print advertising this holiday season: 85 percent.

* Malls using Internet advertising this holiday season: 50 percent.

* The average mall gift certificate sold this year will be for $25.

* Average number of children in 1999 who visited Santa at mall: 7,720.

* Malls hosting a charity event during the holiday season: 77 percent.

Related Web site:

National Retail Federation homepage: http://www.nrf.com/
