Newswise — Jennifer Wider, M.D., is a physician, author, and radio host who specializes in women's health issues. She is the author of three books, the latest being "The Doctor's Complete College Girls' Health Guide: From Sex to Drugs to the Freshman 15."

Dr. Wider is a medical advisor for the Society for Women's Health Research, a Washington, D.C., based advocacy organization that works to improve women's health through research, education and advocacy. With Society president Phyllis Greenberger, Dr. Wider is editor of "The Savvy Woman Patient: How and Why Sex Differences Affect Your Health," an accessible and comprehensive guide to health problems and treatments unique to women of all ages, from child-bearing to care-giving and empty nest years.

Dr. Wider is a graduate of Princeton University and received her medical degree in 1999 from the Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York City.

Topics of expertise include:

"¢ The top 10 things your child needs to know"¦ before they leave for college; health and safety tips for an ever changing world.

"¢ Women and alcohol: Alcohol affects women and men differently; women are at greater risk of negative effects; and binge drinking is way up on college campuses.

"¢ Diet and nutrition: Dangers of low-carbohydrate diets, including unique health risks for women; and the rise of bone thinning among young women due to nutritional deficiencies.

"¢ Sexual health concerns: Sexually transmitted diseases, which are on the rise in young women; birth control options, including emergency contraception.

"¢ Eating disorders: How do you spot signs of eating disorders in your daughter?

"¢ Women and sleep: Recent sleep medication warnings and how sleep problems affect women more often than men. Tips on how to get a better nights sleep.