October 12, 2000 PS 00-10 Contact: Tim Clancy(703) 292-8070


On NSF Funding in FY2001 VA, HUD and Independent Agencies Appropriations Legislation

I am very pleased by the Fiscal Year 2001 funding levels for the National Science Foundation provided in the VA-HUD consensus agreement passed by the Senate today. It is truly an historic action, for which I am extremely grateful.

The agreement passed today recommends $4.424 billion for NSF overall in Fiscal Year 2001 - $526 million over Fiscal Year 2000. This represents the largest dollar increase the Foundation has ever received, in real or constant dollars. This increase also puts us on the path towards doubling the NSF budget in five years, a goal championed by Senate VA-HUD Chairman Kit Bond, Ranking Member Barbara Mikulski, Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott and more than 40 members of the Senate.

The funding recommended in this bill will benefit the nation by enabling new discoveries and innovations across the frontiers of science and engineering. It will spark needed investments in information technology, nanotechnology and biocomplexity research. I am also pleased that the agreement demonstrates strong support for NSF investments in science and math education at all levels.

This historic achievement validates the Administration's commitment to investing in fundamental research and education - and I thank President Clinton, Vice President Gore, Science Advisor Neal Lane, OMB Director Jack Lew and his staff for their leadership in helping to achieve such a great result. It was truly a team effort. While the VA-HUD agreement did not reach the President's request for NSF, the funding level provided is extraordinary and demonstrates how support for fundamental research and education is truly bipartisan.

Along with Senators Bond and Mikulski, I personally thank House Subcommittee Chairman Jim Walsh and Ranking Member Allan Mollohan for their constant, steadfast support of NSF. I also thank all the VA-HUD subcommittee members in both the Senate and the House, House Full Committee Chairman Bill Young, Ranking Member David Obey along with Senate Full Committee Chairman Ted Stevens and Ranking Member Robert Byrd for their excellent leadership and consistent support of the Foundation's investments in research and education. They are true champions for these critical investments in the nation's future -- investments that will help improve the health, prosperity and well-being of all citizens in the 21st century.

I also recognize the extraordinary efforts of leaders in the science and engineering community, as well as those in industry and academia on behalf of the Foundation's budget request. This result is due to the exceptional contributions of so many individuals, both at the National Science Foundation and in the broader community. I am grateful to all those individuals and organizations that have helped make this budget a reality.
