Contact: Lyn Chamberlin
Director of Business Development
Technology Review Magazine
(617) 253-8228
[email protected]

For Immediate Release

Dr. E-mail at Next Technology Review Innovators Breakfast
Prescribes Electronic Mail That Can "Think and Feel"

Cambridge, Mass., January 13, 2000- Technology Review, MIT's award-winning magazine of innovation, today announced that V.A. Shiva, aka "Dr. E-mail," founder and CEO of the Cambridge-based software firm, General Interactive, will speak at the magazine's bi-monthly Innovators Breakfast, to be held on February 3, 2000, from 7:30-9:30am, at The University Park Hotel at MIT. This event will be sponsored by GeoPartners Capital, of Cambridge, MA.

Shiva, who is featured in the January/February 2000 issue of Technology Review ("Dr. E-mail Will See You Now"), will address the question many technologists are currently asking: Is software that answers e-mail automatically the future of online marketing? Companies such as Nike, Amex, and JC Penney think so, especially since Americans sent 355 million e-mails per day in 1999, and spent more than $20 billion online, according to Jupiter Communications. Personal e-mail has grown 50 percent per year, outstripping even the Web, whose users have grown only 21 percent per year. Intelligent e-mail response, many observers believe, will have a significant impact in determining the winners and losers in e-commerce's frenzied grab for market share.

Technology Review's Innovators Breakfast series presents leading innovators and their emerging technologies on a bi-monthly basis to its growing event subscriber base.

About GeoPartners Capital

GeoPartners Capital is an Internet business development corporation. GeoPartners Capital works with entrepreneurs to germinate ideas, create businesses, and cultivate "Internet ecosystems" of complimentary, allied organizations. GeoPartners provides capital and specialized services to accelerate business development. GeoPartners Capital is the investment arm of GeoPartners Research, Inc., the pioneer of the concept of business ecosystems, and strategy advisor to many leading firms in the Internet economy.

About Technology Review

Technology Review is the world's oldest technology magazine. Relaunched in 1998 as "MIT's Magazine of Innovation," Technology Review focuses on the process by which humanity continuously upgrades its tools and techniques. Published bimonthly, the magazine identifies and analyzes the process of innovation, focusing on the dynamic technologic areas where the most important cutting-edge technologies are evolving, including information technology, biotechnology, medical technology, and nanotechnology. It also provides information and analysis on the potential impact of these innovations on science, business, and society.

Since the century-old publication was re-launched (June 1998), the bimonthly Technology Review has seen paid circulation more than double, from 92,000 one year ago to 205,000 as of July 1999. Advertising has tripled in the same time period. Additionally, the publication was recently a finalist for the coveted National Magazine Award.

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