For Immediate Release

Lillian Firestone
Jim Brannigan
(212) 221-3399


ePO: Fills the Corporate Finance Paperwork Gap for Small and Medium Size Companies that Go for IPOs

Albuquerque, NM. Paperwork to raise money, or sell stock, trips up many worthy medium and small size companies and keeps them from a successful IPO. Now, a new company, ePO, helps entrepreneurs draft regulatory filings at budget prices using a custom data base of federal and state filing requirements, and they do it quick.

The substantial fees that lawyers typically charge for writing Private Placement documents, is offered by ePO for a fraction of the standard costs. By drastically lowering the cost of preparing Blue-Sky requirements, Reg. A and Reg. D forms and the other necessities of private placements - the cost barrier to an IPO is so substantially decreased that a company can go from "your street to Wall Street" with its bottom line and company control intact.

"Corporate financing success requires a clear story with top-notch offering documents which meet regulatory requirements," says Don Nash, President of ePO. "Writing a draft private placement memorandum or a prospectus to do an IPO no longer requires an expensive security attorney. The ePO Corporation has streamlined the paperwork and boils the story to its essentials."

Venture capital firms and stockbrokers, who need to quickly learn about startup companies, will also benefit from the ePO approach. "They're picking the winners to come," Nash says. "The key to a successful IPO is well organized paperwork done at low costs, since startups can't afford much. Speedy service is a given at ePO."

A variety of companies have already been assisted by ePO, including an airplane manufacturer, a medical device company and a software game company.

A business executive and former flight test engineer and pilot, Nash helped develop flight test programs for both F-4 and F-15 jets at McDonnell Aircraft and managed numerous multi-million dollar high energy and nuclear effects development programs. It was his work with technology companies in the New Mexico High Tech corridor that led him to ePO.

"There is so much great technology being developed here, and these companies need help to commercialize their ideas. At incubators, they need help with paperwork to raise money," Nash says. "ePO fills this essential niche in the process of bringing technology to Wall Street by drafting and assisting in filing their paperwork."


FYI: Contact: Donald E. Nash -President
ePO Corp. 2441 Ridgecrest Drive, SE Albuquerque, NM 87108
505 262 7773 or [email protected]


Lillian Firestone 212 221-3399
Fax 212 221 5946