This press release is copyrighted by The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. (IEEE). Its use is granted only to journalists and news media. Embargo date: 26 November 2001, 5 p.m. ET.

Not since the early 1960s, when compact transistor radios made it even more fun to be a teenager (or a sports fan), has miniaturization so firmly ruled the consumer electronics world. But unlike those early transistor radios, which sacrificed sound quality for portability, this latest generation of mini devices is sacrificing nothing. In fact, some of the tiny items are outperforming their considerably larger ancestors.

IEEE Spectrum takes a look at gifts sure to warm the heart of any techno-savvy recipient. On the shopping list: a camcorder that boasts a 680,000-pixel progressive-scan imager; a personal mobile tool (think PDA-plus); a phone-PDA combination; mininotebook computers; a digital audio player; and more.

Contact: Willie D. Jones, 212 419 7564, [email protected].For faxed copies of the complete article ["EEs' Gifts for the Holidays" by Willie D. Jones, Assistant Editor, IEEE Spectrum, December 2001, pp. 48-53] or to arrange an interview, contact: Nancy T. Hantman, 212 419 7561, [email protected].
