Employers want "total package" in today's grads

The class of 2000 has more to be excited about than just being finished with final exams and textbooks. This year's crop of college graduates can expect to see an increase in starting salaries and an expanded job market.

According to the 29th annual Recruiting Trends survey by the Collegiate Employment Research Institute at Michigan State University, the college labor market will expand 10 to 15 percent in 2000 and starting salaries for new college graduates will be up 3 to 5 percent over last year.

"Not only is the labor market poised to expand, but all academic majors will benefit from the increase in hiring levels," said Phil Gardner, director of research at MSU's Career Services and Placement and author of the study. "This is very good news for college graduates. If they are qualified, they should find a job."

Gardner says that employers are still seeking job candidates who possess the "total package" including sound communication skills, computer aptitude, leadership, teamwork, interpersonal abilities and personal accountability. Some employers are also looking for candidates who can jump into the job and think strategically and adapt to changing systems.

Contact: Philip Gardner, Career Services and Placement, (517) 355-2211, or Lisa Acheson, University Relations, (517) 355-2281. The executive summary of the 1999-2000 Recruiting Trends survey is available at http://www.csp.msu.edu/ceri/pub

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