Newswise — Rowland K. Robinson, president of Baylor Health Care System Foundation, announced today that Evelyn Y. Davis, Shareholder Advocate, and the Evelyn Y. Davis Foundation are jointly making a generous gift to support Riggs Emergency Department at Baylor University Medical Center at Dallas. "The heart and soul of any medical center is its emergency department, and we are extremely grateful to Evelyn for her support and magnanimity," said Robinson. "All of the citizens of Dallas will benefit from her generous contribution."

In recognition of the gift, Baylor Dallas is installing a plaque to be displayed in the main waiting area of the Riggs Emergency Department.

Davis is a shareholder in more than 80 corporations and has been attending shareholder meetings since 1960. She is a frequent guest on CNBC and Fox Business News and is featured in numerous newspaper and magazine articles.

Mrs. Davis is the editor of Highlights and Lowlights, a corporate newsletter dealing with corporate governance and related financial issues.

Her foundation, established in 1989, makes grants to nationally prominent universities, arts organizations and hospitals. She is a resident of Washington, D.C.