Newswise — When dealing with their shareholders, public companies face the challenge of keeping them happy. One sure way to make investors unhappy is by supplying them with outdated or inaccurate information, slow responses to their questions, and lack of timely updates on new developments. This includes events such as SEC filings, press releases and media advisories, to which investors ideally should have access within moments of their release.

Public companies want shareholders to stay with them, invest more, and recommend them, since word of mouth is priceless. Online communications are the key to dynamic interaction between companies and investors. So how can busy IR departments keep corporate communications current—especially at small public companies that are overburdened as it is? If shareholder communications take a back burner, it can ultimately lead to dissatisfaction.

The answer lies in “push technology”—the ability of a company to publish the latest information in real time. One leading light in this area is Equisolve, a Fort Lauderdale-based service and technology solutions company that offers public companies a cutting edge self-updating online IR platform.

Equisolve manages a client’s entire digital presence, including its website, mobile apps, social media and shareholder communications. The websites and mobile apps it designs both incorporate push technology. Every press release, filing and media alert is individually evaluated to ensure that the client’s website, app, social media and communications to investors are always accurate and up-to-date. As Equisolve’s President and CEO Thomas Runzo reports, “We rely not only on our own experience but also on detailed feedback from over 1,000 active investors. They told us what they like and dislike in the area of investor relations. As a result, we built our IR website platform to inform, listen and respond. We also understand public companies, and keep each client’s digital presence current minute-by-minute without requiring their attention.” Equisolve works with public companies of all sizes and in all sectors. “We especially pride ourselves in helping smaller public companies, making our services as affordable as possible as they try to ensure that their investors are always kept in the loop with the latest company developments,” Mr. Runzo says.

The result of Equisolve’s efforts is a powerful “push” in the right direction that could benefit companies and investors alike.