EMBARGOED FOR USE BEFORE DEC. 5, 2001For More Information: Jeff Nedelman703.938.6011

Health Experts Predict Holiday and Post Sept. 11th Stress and Anxiety Will Produce Record Number of Illnesses Maintaining A Healthy Immune System With Phytosterols Offers A Natural Way To Checkmate Emotional Threats That Depress The Body's Immune Function

EUGENE, OR. . . December 05, 2001 . .Two leading medical experts -- an internationally recognized immunologist and a physician who specializes in stress management -- warned today that as a result of the September 11th acts of terrorism and the traditional anxiety that accompanies the up-coming holidays, physicians and other members of the health-care community should expect to see a record number of patients with allergy, colds, flu, upper respiratory and inflammatory disease symptoms this winter.

"There is general scientific agreement that stress and anxiety suppresses the immune system, our first line of defense against illness and disease. Under normal circumstances holidays are unusually stressful times. Considering the aftermath of the September 11th tragedies, there is no doubt health care providers are going to see a record increase in allergy, colds and flu-related symptoms, respiratory infections and inflammatory conditions," said Dr. James Rouse, N.D., a physician who maintains a naturopathic medical practice in Denver, Colorado and is a performance training Ironman triathlete expert.

--Consumers can take four easy steps now, go help maintain this first line of defense:

--First, get regular exercise. You do not need to run a marathon; even a brisk walk every day will get you moving in the right direction.

--Second, eat for wellness. Go "light" on the alcohol. Eat lots of fresh fruits and vegetables. Increase the amount of essential fatty acids from fish.

--Third, drink plenty of water. We need eight glasses of liquid per day.

"And, finally, take a nutritional supplement with plant sterols and sterolins. Most people do not eat a healthy and balanced diet. Most people do not eat the right combination of foods that provide the essential vitamins, minerals, and nutrients we need. A nutritional supplement that contains the ingredient Moducare(r), can play a vital role in helping maintain a healthy and balanced immune system," he said.

Plant sterols and sterolins are essential plant nutrients that occur naturally in all fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds and soy products.

Professor Patrick JD Bouic, Ph.D., the Head of Immunology at Stellenbosch University in Cape Town, South Africa, one of the world's leading experts on natural plant molecules having impacts on immunological responses said, "More than two decades of clinical research shows that phytosterols play an important role in optimizing the immune system.

--Optimal immune health is vital for the prevention of many chronic conditions including chronic fatigue syndrome, stress, anxiety, allergic rhinitis and sinusitis. Indeed, the role played by plant sterols in general health has been underestimated for too long.

--Stress causes our adrenal glands to produce the hormone cortisol, which suppresses the immune system, making us all more vulnerable to disease. By maintaining a healthy immune system, patients increase their odds to fight infection.

"However, all phytosterols are not alike. Consumers need to be informed about the different ingredients and blends that are in the marketplace. A wealth of peer-reviewed medical journal articles demonstrates that the proprietary blend of phytosterols called Moducare(r) is safe and effective in optimizing the immune system. Indeed, just last month, the prestigious medical journal Current Opinion in Clinical Nutrition and Metabolic Care, published a review article concluding that, 'There is now clear evidence that plant sterol molecules can possibly be used to combat life-threatening diseases where the immune system needs modulation such as rheumatoid arthritis, asthma, HIV and pulmonary tuberculosis,'" Professor Bouic said.

The safety and effectiveness the proprietary blend of phytosterols called Moducare(r) has been extensively tested. Long-term studies involving 25,000 humans found no significant side effects. In addition, standard toxicology studies, pre-clinical testing and clinical observations have found no adverse effects. Since 1994, the results of clinical trials using the ingredient called Moducare(r) to investigate the effects of plant sterols and sterolins on pulmonary tuberculosis, HIV, stress induced immune suppression, rheumatoid arthritis, allergic rhinitis/sinusitis and tumor cell lines have been published in six major medical journals including articles in the prestigious International Journal of Immunopharmacology, Cell Biology International, Aids Bulletin, International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease, Current Opinion in Clinical Nutrition and Metabolic Care and The International Journal of Sports Medicine.

EPI is dedicated to providing the highest quality health products to our consumer base, and to achieving excellence in health care through our on-going commitment to research and education. EPI does not promote or sell food supplements, either in the United States or Canada, for the purpose of preventing, treating, mitigating or curing a specific disease or class of diseases. EPI does make its best effort to alert and inform the general public of significant scientific developments, which affect their health, including scientific papers about the ingredients, which are included in EPI's products. EPI includes the Moducare(r) proprietary blend of sterols and sterolins in its food supplement products.

For more information, please contact us at www.moducare.com.

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