Newswise — OK, it's not as if you've been dropped into the Sahara Desert with only your wits to rely on, but surviving the holidays with diabetes can still pose a challenge.

Pam Davis, R.D., L.D., CDE, certified diabetes educator at Baylor Medical Center at Garland, offers some advice on keeping your diabetes regimen from going astray.

Plan ahead. Prepare ahead of time for the food choices you want to make. "Establish what you will and won't allow yourself," says Davis. "For example, if you know you're going to want some dessert at your friend's dinner party, reserve some of your 'carbohydrate budget' out of the rest of the meal." At the office potluck, you can still taste a bit of everything by using portion control. "Don't punish yourself by saying 'I can't have that'—instead, try a spoonful of all the items you'd like to sample," says Davis. You won't feel overly full, you'll be happy that you tried everything, and you can compliment your co-workers on the dishes they brought.

Stick to the schedule. Shopping, parties, out-of-town guests and other seasonal events will disrupt your normal routine. "It's even more important during this time of year to continue to monitor your blood sugar so you stay on track," says Davis. And remember to find time for exercise—mall walking is a great way to plan your gift-giving and burn calories at the same time!

Don't stress out. "Even if you're careful about what you're eating, stress from holiday travel and dealing with family members can sometimes elevate your blood sugar," explains Davis. Tip: Always contact your airline and get updated security regulations about carrying your diabetes medications and supplies on the plane."Just because it's the holidays doesn't mean you shouldn't continue to take care of yourself—but if you're smart about it, you can still have the things you want," says Davis.

For more information about Baylor Medical Center at Garland, visit