Did you know that in 2015 only 15% of the systematic reviews submitted to JNEB were accepted?Are you planning to publish part of your literature review for your dissertation?This sessions allows you the chance to put focused time in on your research project giving you a great head start on a completed review.

Newswise — How to Conduct and Write Systematic Reviews for the Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior is being offered as a pre-conference workshop on Saturday, July 30 from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. preceding the Society for Nutrition Education and Behavior Annual Conference. Cost is $50 for student, $90 for SNEB members and $125 for non-members with breakfast and lunch included. Workshop attendees do not have to be registered for the annual conference.

Workshop is being conducted by Julie Reeder, PhD, MPH, CHES, State of Oregon WIC Program and Marla Reicks, PhD, RD, University of Minnesota; Megan Kocher, MLIS, University of Minnesota Libraries.

The presenters will go through their own systematic review process in preparation for the workshop so they can candidly share their own experiences and how they dealt with or avoided the common pitfalls that come with conducting a review. Participants will be expected to complete a brief homework assignment prior to attending to optimize learning experiences during the workshop. Participants will actively engage in the steps of a systematic review process in a group-supported setting using a pre-selected topic of their choosing.

After the workshop participants will be able to:Clearly differentiate a systematic review from other literature review approaches.Perfect the problem statement, one of the key steps to a successful systematic review.More effectively identify and collaborate with a research librarian/information specialist to increase the efficiency of the search process.Critically evaluate search results.Craft a succinct yet comprehensive report of review findings.Market the systematic review after publication.

Additional details are online at http://www.sneb.org/2016.