Newswise — Human Factors and Ergonomics Society (HFES) revealed today a new brand identity which includes a new logo and website, as well as refreshed mission, vision, and tagline.

The reveal concludes a year-long effort in market research, focus groups, and brand development to ensure alignment among key stakeholders and the society’s work.

HFES President, Susan Hallbeck shares, "This announcement is a reaffirmation to the human factors/ergonomics community that our mission, vision, and overall brand clearly represents our society, interests, and strategic direction. From the research we conducted, we learned that our members are proud of our work, so our new brand is a promise to continue on that path."

The new HFES mission, to advance the science and practice of designing for people in systems through knowledge exchange, collaboration, and advocacy, outlines the key areas of work the society drives forward throughout their offerings. Rather than a change in direction, the new mission reaffirms the work the society is focused on with an emphasis on both science and practice.

HFES also highlights their eye to the future with a vision statement: we envision a future of systems that work for humans by design, grounded in science. This aspirational focus is extended to the society’s new tagline: Systems That Work for Humans.

The modern approach to the logo reflects the natural evolution of the human factors/ergonomics field, while maintaining a historical reference to the past logo featuring the Vitruvian Man. As HF/E continues to expand to include not only physical but also cognitive sciences, the new logo better represents the society’s commitment to all areas of focus.

A complete redesign of the society’s website reiterates the importance of members and non-members alike more easily accessing the society’s offerings and will continue to grow in available offerings over the coming months.

Executive Director Steven Kemp shared, "We are thrilled to rebrand HFES and launch our redesigned website to provide a more valuable, user-centric and responsive resource across platforms and devices. Our new site will serve as a useful, informative portal for members and others to gain a better understanding of the activities of the Society, the resources we provide, and what is yet to come to serve our valued members."

Learn more about the new brand announcement in a video released by HFES today and explore the new


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About Human Factors and Ergonomics Society

The Human Factors and Ergonomics Society is the world’s largest scientific association for human factors/ergonomics professionals, with more than 3,500 members globally. The mission of HFES is to advance the science and practice of designing for people in systems through knowledge exchange, collaboration, and advocacy. HFES members include psychologists and other scientists, designers, practitioners, and engineers, all of whom have a common interest in designing systems and equipment to be safe and effective for the people who operate and maintain them.