The Department of Energy Office of Science (SC) supports the scientific community by allocating research funding, providing access to state-of-the art scientific user facilities, and stewarding community data. Together, these three pillars support research communities and the general public with the goal to advance scientific knowledge and technology. SC is now taking steps to enhance the visibility and stewardship of high-value data resources by designating them as Public Reusable Research (PuRe) Data Resources. 

PuRe Data Resources are curated data repositories, knowledge bases, analysis platforms, and other activities that are publicly available for further scientific discovery and technical knowledge. Spanning the range of the SC mission, these data resources include a data center for atmospheric data and model products, data repositories and knowledge bases for biological and environmental research, and a materials database for physical sciences. Each resource is an authoritative provider of data or capabilities in their respective subject area. Together, these high-quality public resources play a strategic role in advancing the SC mission. They make data easier to share across the broader scientific community by striving toward the FAIR data principles of being findable, accessible, interoperable, and reusable. As a result, scientists are able to analyze, compare against, and build upon this data, accelerating the pace of future research, scientific discovery, and knowledge creation.

The PuRe Data Resource designation does more than recognize the importance of these investments. It carries the weight of SC stewardship. SC will manage these resources under a new oversight model with high standards for data management, resource operations, and scientific impact. There will be more transparent data management and distribution, community contributions, and commitment for long-term preservation. There will also be closer tracking and collection of data use metrics, paper citations, and scientific impact. These are just a few examples of how the designated PuRe Data Resources will go above and beyond SC’s standard requirements for shared scientific data and reinforce SC’s role as a community leader in data stewardship.

Sustained support of each PuRe Data Resource is a key aspect of stewardship. Reliable, efficient, and effective operations are necessary to enable Resources to continue performing their important roles in the scientific community.

PuRe Data Resources will also provide opportunities for SC-supported careers in data science and data management to flourish. Positions focusing on these areas will ensure that the scientific community will have access to the leading expertise necessary to advance data-intensive research. Like the SC user facilities, PuRe Data Resources will not only provide the tools to carry out high-quality science, but the expertise to use those tools as effectively as possible.

As part of the PuRe Data Resources designation, the Resources will provide science impact metrics. As they’re collected, SC will communicate these metrics to broader audiences. Relevant statistics, such as data use patterns and publication citations, will capture the unique role each Resource plays within the community it serves. Related science highlights will further tell the story of scientific advancement that PuRe Data Resources enable.

SC’s commitment to data stewardship extends beyond the operations phase. SC PuRe Data Resources will have plans in place for preserving key data, data products, and software after the need for sustained data collection or generation has ended.

Through the designation of PuRe Data Resources, SC will better explain the impact of high-value public, reusable data that exists across our programs. It enables better recognition of the long-term strategic value of these assets and our need to preserve them. These designations better emphasize high standards in data management, operations, and scientific impact. In short, PuRe Data Resources will enable better communication, better stewardship, and better science.

Find out more about our initial cohort of PuRe Data Resources online. A Twitter campaign (#SCPuReData) will also highlight each Resource, as even more are designated in the future!


The Office of Science is the single largest supporter of basic research in the physical sciences in the United States and is working to address some of the most pressing challenges of our time. For more information please visit

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