Newswise — Lowering the risk of breast cancer is one of the more important health benefits for mothers who breastfeed, yet it is something that is not well known. To help educate and highlight this very important health benefit, Lansinoh Laboratories®, a leading manufacturer of premium breastfeeding products, is asking women to "latch on to a good cause" and sign up for the new "Nurture Note," a special e-message that provides breastfeeding tips, encouragement and support. For each woman who registers at for the Nurture Note from August (Breastfeeding Awareness Month) through October 2006 (Breast Cancer Awareness Month), Lansinoh will donate $1.00 to the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation, for the first 2500 women who sign up, in support of breast cancer research.

"It is becoming well documented that breastfeeding decreases a mother's chances of developing pre or post-menopausal breast cancer and this benefit is strongly connected with the length of time a woman breastfeeds," explains pediatrician James Sears, M.D., co-author of The Baby Book and member of the Lansinoh Breastfeeding Advisory Board. "Any amount of breastfeeding is beneficial to mom and baby, research shows " two weeks is good, four months is even better, and more than six months is best as far as protection against breast cancer goes." However, he notes that nothing can completely eliminate this risk and family history is always an important factor with breast cancer.

"Many women know the benefits of breastfeeding for the baby, but there are also many benefits to the mother including reducing your risk of getting breast cancer," explains Gina Ciagne, director of breastfeeding relations and outreach, Lansinoh Laboratories. "Through our donation to breast cancer research and the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation, we are hoping to bring attention to the connection between breastfeeding and how it can reduce the risk of breast cancer."

Nurture Notes are sent weekly for the first 12 weeks of breastfeeding and once a month until the child is 12 months old. "As natural as breastfeeding is, it isn't without some challenges," says Ciagne. "The Nurture Note offers moms the encouragement, support and accurate information we feel breastfeeding moms deserve."

New and expecting moms can visit to sign up for the new Nurture Notes, to register for a chance to win a free Lansinoh Double Electric Breast Pump (one pump awarded to a lucky mom each month) and to learn more about the Lansinoh line of breastfeeding products.

Lansinoh Laboratories was founded by a breastfeeding mother more than 20 years ago to support families who choose to nurture and nourish their children naturally with breastmilk. Lansinoh offers a complete line of premium breastfeeding products, including the safest and purest form of lanolin designed for use by breastfeeding mothers to relieve nipple soreness. The company also manufactures two different kinds of nursing pads, breastmilk storage bags, and "clean and condition" wipes for babies.