Contact: Pam Besel740-368-3339


DELAWARE, OHIO -- Edward H. Burtt, Professor of Zoology at Ohio Wesleyan University, will talk about "Life Among Feathers: It's a Jungle Out There," at the Skaggs Biology Building Auditorium, University of Utah on Thursday, March 1.

Burtt is the eighth speaker invited to be part of Tracy Aviary's annual Distinguished Lecture Series.

Burtt will bring along 3-D electron micrographs and 3-D glasses which will enable members of the audience to obtain a close look at what he calls the 'world of life existing among the feathers of birds.' Those life forms include bugs,lice and bacteria. Burtt also will discuss strategies birds use to cope with the threats posed by these life forms to bird plumage.

Tracy Aviary's mission is to educate the public about natural history and science. The aviary houses and breeds endangered species of birds and provides an environment for research in conservation biology. The lecture series provides area residents a chance to learn from internationally known research ornithologists such as Burtt. Lecturers are chosen based on significant work they have done and their ability to communicate their research to the general public in an understandable way.


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