Latest News from: University of Chicago

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Released: 19-Mar-2014 9:00 AM EDT
More Challenging Content in Kindergarten Boosts Later Performance
University of Chicago

Children of all economic backgrounds could score bigger gains in math and reading if teachers introduced more advanced content in kindergarten,

Released: 18-Mar-2014 12:00 PM EDT
Students Learn About Feature Filmmaking with 'Divergent' Internships
University of Chicago

Two UChicago undergraduates worked on the set of the feature film "Divergent," gaining invaluable experience in understanding the industry and craft of feature filmmaking firsthand.

Released: 17-Mar-2014 5:00 PM EDT
Gregory L. Hillhouse, Synthetic Chemist, Influential Mentor, 1955–2014
University of Chicago

Gregory L. Hillhouse, University of Chicago chemistry professor and mentor extraordinaire, died March 6 of cancer at his home in Chicago. He was 59.

Released: 17-Mar-2014 11:45 AM EDT
Exhibit at UChicago to Show How Ancient Cultures Commemorated the Dead
University of Chicago

A new exhibit at the University of Chicago's Oriental Institute Museum will show how the living cared for the dead, and how the ancients conceptualized the idea of the human soul in ancient Mesopotamia, Egypt and Israel/Palestine.

Released: 13-Mar-2014 3:00 PM EDT
Husband’s Health and Attitude Loom Large for Happy Long-Term Marriages
University of Chicago

A husband’s agreeable personality and good health appear crucial to preventing conflict among older couples who have been together a long time, according to a study from University of Chicago researchers.

Released: 11-Mar-2014 12:00 PM EDT
Gesturing with Hands Is a Powerful Tool for Children’s Math Learning
University of Chicago

Children who use their hands to gesture during a math lesson gain a deep understanding of the problems they are taught, according to new research from University of Chicago’s Department of Psychology.

Released: 4-Mar-2014 5:00 PM EST
Program to Move Families Out of High-Poverty Neighborhoods Helps Girls, Harms Boys’ Mental Health
University of Chicago

A program designed to move families out of high-poverty neighborhoods resulted in reduced rates of depression and conduct disorder among girls, but increased rates of depression, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and conduct disorder among boys, according to a study published in the March 5 issue of JAMA.

Released: 4-Mar-2014 11:00 AM EST
Anthropologist's New Book Explores How Apes and Humans Evolved Side by Side
University of Chicago

In a new book, University of Chicago Prof. Russell Tuttle, one of the nation’s leading paleoanthropologists, incorporates his research with a synthesis of a vast amount of research from other scientists who study primate evolution and behavior. The book explains how apes and humans evolved in relation to one another, and why humans became a bipedal, tool-making, culture-inventing species.

Released: 4-Mar-2014 9:00 AM EST
Internationally Respected Economists Join Economics Department
University of Chicago

Announcement of New Hires at University of Chicago's Economics Department

Released: 26-Feb-2014 10:00 AM EST
UChicago’s Arts|Science Initiative Awards Five Graduate Collaboration Grants
University of Chicago

The University of Chicago’s Arts|Science Initiative has awarded five Graduate Collaboration Grants for projects ranging in topic from ‘fiction addiction’ to compositions modeled on melting glaciers, to the physiological assessment of emotion during artistic performance.

Released: 25-Feb-2014 3:00 PM EST
NEH Supports UChicago Digital Humanities Project Focused on 18th-Century Intellectual History
University of Chicago

A pioneering digital humanities project at the University of Chicago and Oxford University, supported by the National Endowment for the Humanities, will use data analysis techniques to develop an open-source commonplace book. Identifying and analyzing these commonplaces will shed light on how knowledge spread and transformed in the early modern period.

Released: 20-Feb-2014 5:00 PM EST
Undergraduate Women in Physics Find Strength in Numbers
University of Chicago

Providing support for young scholars was the main goal of the Midwest Conference for Undergraduate Women in Physics, a four-day event attracting more than 200 female physics students. The University of Chicago was one of eight hosts of the conference nationwide.

Released: 20-Feb-2014 4:00 PM EST
Crime Lab Receives $1 Million MacArthur Foundation Award in Recognition of Creativity, Impact
University of Chicago

The University of Chicago Crime Lab is one of seven nonprofit organizations around the world to receive a $1 million award from the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation in support of nonprofit organizations that have demonstrated creativity and impact in their work.

Released: 19-Feb-2014 12:00 PM EST
Fourth-Year Sarah Peluse Wins Schafer Prize for Excellence in Mathematics
University of Chicago

Sarah Peluse, a fourth-year student in the College, has been recognized for her excellence in mathematics and her contributions to the field with the Alice T. Schafer Mathematics Prize. The prize, awarded by the Association for Women in Mathematics, is based on her special research projects and on her performance as an undergraduate woman in advanced mathematics courses.

Released: 19-Feb-2014 11:00 AM EST
Fourth-Year Economics and History Student Tim Rudnicki Wins Gates Cambridge Scholarship
University of Chicago

Tim Rudnicki is one of 40 students in the United States to win a full-cost Gates Cambridge scholarship to continue his studies at the University of Cambridge next fall.

12-Feb-2014 6:15 PM EST
Loneliness is a Major Health Risk for Older Adults
University of Chicago

Feeling extreme loneliness can increase an older person’s chances of premature death by 14 percent, according to research by John Cacioppo, professor of psychology at the University of Chicago.

14-Feb-2014 9:30 AM EST
Longer Commutes Disadvantage African-American Workers
University of Chicago

African-Americans spend more time than any other group getting to work and in some cases spend about 15 minutes more a day than whites commuting, according to research by Virginia Parks, associate professor at the University of Chicago School of Social Service Administration.

14-Feb-2014 2:30 PM EST
Research on Poor Neighborhoods Must Recognize Differences Among Cities
University of Chicago

Research on urban neighborhoods must take into account differences among cities and rely on some techniques that have not been used extensively by sociologists studying neighborhood effects, according to Mario Small, professor of sociology at the University of Chicago.

12-Feb-2014 1:00 PM EST
Heinrich Jaeger to Discuss Physics of Granular Materials at AAAS Meeting
University of Chicago

Pour sand from a bucket and it flows like a liquid, but stand on it and it supports weight like a solid. This unusual behavior is a property of granular materials, and it is a reason University of Chicago physicist Heinrich Jaeger has chosen to focus on these types of materials in his research.

12-Feb-2014 9:30 AM EST
Early Childhood Education Can Pay Big Rewards to Families, Society
University of Chicago

High quality early childhood for disadvantaged children can simultaneously reduce inequality and boost productivity in America, contends James Heckman, a professor of economics at the University of Chicago and one of the nation’s leading experts on early childhood education.
