Latest News from: University of Florida

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Released: 11-Jan-2017 2:05 PM EST
Why Better Choices Depend on ‘Libertarian Paternalism’
University of Florida

Nudging people toward better behavior through policy can be effective, but can face resistance if people feel their autonomy is threatened.

Released: 23-Dec-2016 10:05 AM EST
UF Plays Key Role in Trial for Successful Ebola Vaccine
University of Florida

An international group of researchers associated with the World Health Organization has published its final report on the Ebola vaccine trial in Guinea, finding that the vaccine is a safe and effective way to prevent Ebola infection.

Released: 21-Dec-2016 3:05 PM EST
Study Shows Discrimination Interacts with Genetics and Impacts Health
University of Florida

It’s no secret that discrimination is stressful for those who experience it, but turns out the issue is more than skin deep—these stressors can interact with our genetics to negatively impact our health, a new University of Florida study shows.

Released: 8-Dec-2016 4:05 PM EST
‘Hyper-Starburst’ Galaxy Churns Out Stars, Clues to Universe’s Evolution
University of Florida

A recently discovered galaxy is undergoing an extraordinary boom of stellar construction, revealed by a group of astronomers led by University of Florida graduate student Jingzhe Ma using NASA’s Chandra X-Ray Observatory.

Released: 18-Nov-2016 3:05 PM EST
UF Archaeologist Uses Chicxulub ‘Dinosaur Crater’ Rocks, Prehistoric Teeth to Track Ancient Humans
University of Florida

Where’s the best place to start when retracing the life of a person who lived 4,000 years ago? Turns out, it’s simple -- you start at the beginning.

Released: 10-Nov-2016 4:05 PM EST
Nature Already Dramatically Impacted by Climate Change, Study Reveals
University of Florida

Global climate change has already impacted every aspect of life on Earth, from genes to entire ecosystems, according to a new University of Florida study.

Released: 2-Nov-2016 3:05 PM EDT
Yearning for a New Phone? You Might Be Suffering From ‘Comparison Neglect’
University of Florida

If you’re reading this on a shiny new iPhone 7, new research suggests you might not have given your old phone its due before trading up.

Released: 28-Oct-2016 2:05 PM EDT
Ancient Strain of Cholera Likely Present in Haiti Since Colonial Era
University of Florida

A non-virulent variant of the deadly Vibrio cholerae O1 strain has likely been present in Haitian aquatic environments for several hundred years, with the potential to become virulent through gene transfer with the toxigenic strain introduced by UN peacekeepers, according to research published today by scientists at the University of Florida’s Emerging Pathogens Institute.

Released: 19-Oct-2016 3:05 PM EDT
First Pluto, Now This: Discovery of First Binary-Binary Calls Solar System Formation Into Question
University of Florida

Everything we know about the formation of solar systems might be wrong, says University of Florida astronomy professor Jian Ge and his postdoc, Bo Ma. They’ve discovered the first “binary–binary” – two massive companions around one star in a close binary system, one so-called giant planet and one brown dwarf, or “failed star” The first, called MARVELS-7a, is 12 times the mass of Jupiter, while the second, MARVELS-7b, has 57 times the mass of Jupiter.

Released: 3-Oct-2016 2:05 PM EDT
Why ‘Managerial Derailment’ Affects Women More Than Men
University of Florida

Gender bias can influence how supervisors view a manager’s long-term potential, a new study shows.

Released: 16-Sep-2016 4:05 PM EDT
A Reptilian Anachronism: American Alligator Older Than We Thought
University of Florida

From climate to the peninsula’s very shape, not much in Florida has stayed the same over the last 8 million years.

Released: 30-Aug-2016 10:05 AM EDT
‘Nudges’ Help Students Select Healthy Lunches
University of Florida

With back-to-school season in full swing, imagine this: Your child orders lunch via computer and gets a little message saying he or she needs to add more nutritious food groups.

Released: 24-Aug-2016 1:05 PM EDT
Non-Travel Zika Cases in Fla. Could Approach 400 by Summer’s End
University of Florida

Nearly 400 non travel-related Zika infections will occur in Florida before the end of the summer, according to new projections by biostatisticians at the University of Florida and other institutions.

Released: 18-Aug-2016 11:05 AM EDT
Mussel Flexing: Bivalve Save Drought-Stricken Marshes, Research Finds
University of Florida

As coastal ecosystems feel the heat of climate change worldwide, new research shows the humble mussel and marsh grass form an intimate interaction known as mutualism that benefits both partner species and may be critical to helping these ecosystems bounce back from extreme climatic events such as drought.

Released: 16-Aug-2016 4:05 PM EDT
The Surprising Side Effect of Kissing Up at Work
University of Florida

Kissing up to your boss doesn’t just impact your relationship with your supervisor, it can influence your co-workers, as well.

Released: 15-Aug-2016 2:05 PM EDT
Biomarker Breakthrough Could Improve Parkinson’s Treatment
University of Florida

A new, non-invasive way to track the progression of Parkinson’s disease could help evaluate experimental treatments to slow or stop the disease’s progression.

Released: 11-Aug-2016 3:05 PM EDT
Visitors Concerned About Zika but Still Plan to Travel to Florida, UF Study Shows
University of Florida

With more than 20 cases of non-travel related Zika reported in South Florida, tourists express more concern with travel to the state but still plan to come, a new study shows.

Released: 11-Aug-2016 3:05 PM EDT
How Did Primate Brains Get So Big?
University of Florida

Virtual brains reconstructed from ancient, kiwi-sized primate skulls could help resolve one of the most intriguing evolutionary mysteries: how modern primates developed large brains.

Released: 4-Aug-2016 12:05 PM EDT
Bloom and Bust: Algae Takes a Heavy Toll on Florida Tourism
University of Florida

The harmful algae bloom affecting some South Florida beaches has driven away half of people considering visiting the Sunshine State and could deter nearly three-fourths of those thinking of traveling to the affected counties, a new study shows.
