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Newswise: Discovery of high order skyrmions and antiskyrmions
Released: 25-Jan-2024 12:05 PM EST
Discovery of high order skyrmions and antiskyrmions
University of Vienna

Researchers at the University of Augsburg and the University of Vienna have discovered co-existing magnetic skyrmions and antiskyrmions of arbitrary topological charge at room temperature in magnetic Co/Ni multilayer thin films.

Released: 16-Jan-2024 5:00 AM EST
Do violent video games numb us towards real violence?
University of Vienna

Neuroscientists from the University of Vienna and the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm have investigated whether playing violent video games leads to a reduction in human empathy.

Newswise: First Direct Imaging of Small Noble Gas Clusters at Room Temperature
Released: 11-Jan-2024 5:00 AM EST
First Direct Imaging of Small Noble Gas Clusters at Room Temperature
University of Vienna

For the first time, scientists have succeeded in the stabilisation and direct imaging of small clusters of noble gas atoms at room temperature. This achievement opens up exciting possibilities for fundamental research in condensed matter physics and applications in quantum information technology.

Newswise: Shape matters: How microplastic travels that far
Released: 8-Jan-2024 2:05 PM EST
Shape matters: How microplastic travels that far
University of Vienna

How far microplastics travel in the atmosphere depends crucially on particle shape, according to a recent study by scientists at the University of Vienna and the Max Planck Institute for Dynamics and Self-Organisation in Göttingen: While spherical particles settle quickly, microplastic fibers might travel as far as the stratosphere.

Released: 3-Jan-2024 5:00 AM EST
Women from low socio-economic backgrounds see themselves as less talented
University of Vienna

Women from low socio-economic backgrounds consider themselves to be less talented than all other groups – even if they show the same performance levels.

Released: 14-Dec-2023 5:00 AM EST
New research lays groundwork for personalised dietary supplements
University of Vienna

A groundbreaking study led by David Berry and Alessandra Riva from the Centre for Microbiology and Environmental Systems Science (CeMESS) at the University of Vienna has significantly advanced our understanding of prebiotics in nutrition and gut health.

Newswise: In Search of the Perfect Mirror at Mid-Infrared Wavelengths
Released: 6-Dec-2023 5:00 AM EST
In Search of the Perfect Mirror at Mid-Infrared Wavelengths
University of Vienna

An international team of researchers from the United States, Austria, and Switzerland has demonstrated the first true supermirrors in the mid-infrared spectral region.

Newswise: Quantum physics: Superconducting Nanowires Detect Single Protein Ions
Released: 4-Dec-2023 5:00 AM EST
Quantum physics: Superconducting Nanowires Detect Single Protein Ions
University of Vienna

An international research team led by quantum physicist Markus Arndt (University of Vienna) has achieved a breakthrough in the detection of protein ions: Due to their high energy sensitivity, superconducting nanowire detectors achieve almost 100% quantum efficiency and exceed the detection efficiency of conventional ion detectors at low energies by a factor of up to a 1,000.

Newswise: Floral Time Travel: Flowers Were More Diverse 100 Million Years Ago Than They Are Today
Released: 29-Nov-2023 2:05 PM EST
Floral Time Travel: Flowers Were More Diverse 100 Million Years Ago Than They Are Today
University of Vienna

An international team of researchers around botanists at the University of Vienna, Austria, has now analyzed the morphological diversity of fossilized flowers and compared it with the diversity of living species.

Newswise: When baby stars fledge
23-Nov-2023 6:00 AM EST
When baby stars fledge
University of Vienna

A team of astrophysicists led by Núria Miret-Roig from the University of Vienna found that two methods for determining the age of stars measure different things: Isochronous measurement thereby determines the birth date of stars, while dynamical tracking provides information on when stars "leave their nest", about 5.5 million years later in the star clusters studied.

13-Nov-2023 6:00 AM EST
Call for Action: The Power of Neuroscience to fight against Climate Change
University of Vienna

Today an international research team, including scientists from the University of Vienna’s Environment and Climate Hub, introduces a unique approach in fighting the climate crisis.

Newswise: New insights into the genetics of the common octopus: genome at the chromosome level decoded
18-Oct-2023 5:00 AM EDT
New insights into the genetics of the common octopus: genome at the chromosome level decoded
University of Vienna

Octopuses are fascinating animals – and serve as important model organisms in neuroscience, cognition research and developmental biology. To gain a deeper understanding of their biology and evolutionary history, validated data on the composition of their genome is needed, which has been lacking until now.

Newswise: Art with DNA – Digitally creating 16 million colors by chemistry
Released: 17-Oct-2023 5:00 AM EDT
Art with DNA – Digitally creating 16 million colors by chemistry
University of Vienna

The DNA double helix is composed of two DNA molecules whose sequences are complementary to each other. The stability of the duplex can be fine-tuned in the lab by controlling the amount and location of imperfect complementary sequences.

Released: 11-Oct-2023 5:00 AM EDT
Microbial Metabolites: A New Link to Parkinson's Disease?
University of Vienna

Published in Environment International, a groundbreaking study from the Institute of Biological Chemistry and Centre for Microbiology and Environmental Systems Science (CeMESS) at the University of Vienna, in collaboration with the University of Konstanz and the Albert Einstein College of Medicine, reveals a microbial metabolite's role in inducing Parkinson's-like symptoms.

Newswise: 5,000-year-old wine for Egyptian queen
Released: 9-Oct-2023 4:05 AM EDT
5,000-year-old wine for Egyptian queen
University of Vienna

A German-Austrian team led by archaeologist Christiana Köhler from the University of Vienna is investigating the tomb of Queen Meret-Neith in Abydos, Egypt. She was the most powerful woman in the period around 3,000 BC.

Released: 4-Oct-2023 3:05 AM EDT
Cats purr differently than previously thought
University of Vienna

A recent investigation led by voice scientist Christian T. Herbst from the University of Vienna, published in Current Biology, delivers novel insights into how cats produce their purring sounds. A special ‚pad‘ embedded in the vocal folds might explain why the cats can produce these low-frequency sounds.

Newswise: Soil bacteria prevail despite drought conditions
Released: 28-Sep-2023 12:05 PM EDT
Soil bacteria prevail despite drought conditions
University of Vienna

Recent research uncovers the resilience of certain soil microorganisms in the face of increasing drought conditions. While many bacteria become inactive during dry spells, specific groups persist and even thrive.

Newswise: New gut microbe produces smelly toxic gas but protects against pathogens
18-Sep-2023 1:00 AM EDT
New gut microbe produces smelly toxic gas but protects against pathogens
University of Vienna

An international team of scientists led by microbiologist Alexander Loy from the University of Vienna has discovered a new intestinal microbe that feeds exclusively on taurine and produces the foul-smelling gas hydrogen sulfide.

Released: 22-Aug-2023 11:05 AM EDT
Surprising study results: Students are bored during exams
University of Vienna

In the case of boredom, we think of many situations in life but intuitively not of exams. However, an international team of academics led by Thomas Götz from the University of Vienna has now studied exactly this phenomenon of test boredom for the first time and found remarkable results.

Released: 16-Aug-2023 8:20 AM EDT
Magnonic computing: Faster spin waves could make novel computing systems possible
University of Vienna

Research is underway around the world to find alternatives to our current electronic computing technology, as great, electron-based systems have limitations. A new way of transmitting information is emerging from the field of magnonics: instead of electron exchange, the waves generated in magnetic media could be used for transmission, but magnonics-based computing has been (too) slow to date. Scientists at the University of Vienna have now discovered a significant new method: When the intensity is increased, the spin waves become shorter and faster – another step towards magnon computing. The results were published in the renowned journal Science Advances.
