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Released: 10-Sep-2020 10:35 AM EDT
Concussion discovery reveals dire, unknown effects of even mild brain injury
University of Virginia Health System

Even mild concussions cause severe and long-lasting impairments in the brain’s ability to clean itself, and this may seed it for Alzheimer’s, dementia and other neurodegenerative problems.

Released: 8-Sep-2020 8:05 AM EDT
American Heart Association Honors UVA Endocrinologist for Life's Work on High Blood Pressure
University of Virginia Health System

Robert M. Carey, MD, has been named a Distinguished Scientist of the American Heart Association for his “extraordinary contributions” to cardiovascular research.

Released: 31-Aug-2020 9:00 AM EDT
Strokes in babies are surprisingly common. Here’s how the body rushes to the rescue
University of Virginia Health System

New research is shedding light on the development of the brain’s immune defenses – and how those defenses respond to strokes that strike one in 4,000 babies in the first month of life.

Released: 27-Aug-2020 8:30 AM EDT
UVA-Developed Artificial Pancreas Effective for Children Ages 6-13, Study Finds
University of Virginia Health System

An artificial pancreas originally developed at the University of Virginia Center for Diabetes Technology safely and effectively manages blood sugar levels in children ages 6 to 13 with type 1 diabetes, a national clinical trial has found.

Released: 25-Aug-2020 8:30 AM EDT
UVA-Designed COVID-19 Swab to Support High-Priority Testing Across Virginia
University of Virginia Health System

The Commonwealth of Virginia will receive 60,000 nasopharyngeal swabs weekly to support high-priority COVID-19 testing across the state, thanks to a collaboration led by University of Virginia faculty to design this key testing supply.

Released: 21-Aug-2020 9:15 AM EDT
Women surgeons earn their cut of NIH funding – and then some
University of Virginia Health System

Women are underrepresented in academic surgery, but women surgeons are earning a disproportionate share of research grants from the National Institutes of Health, a new study has found.

Released: 12-Aug-2020 12:05 PM EDT
When can kids return to sports after COVID-19? Doctors weigh in
University of Virginia Health System

Pediatric cardiologists are offering important advice on if and when it is safe for children and teens to return to playing sports after recovering from COVID-19.

Released: 6-Aug-2020 8:55 AM EDT
UVA Named to Newsweek’s Best Maternity Hospitals List
University of Virginia Health System

For meeting a set of rigorous best practices for maternity care, University of Virginia Medical Center, UVA Women’s Services and UVA Children’s have been named to Newsweek’s Best Maternity Hospitals 2020 list.

Released: 4-Aug-2020 8:05 AM EDT
Why Is Stroke So Deadly for People of African Descent?
University of Virginia Health System

An international team of scientists has completed the largest analysis of stroke-risk genes ever undertaken in people of African descent.

Released: 28-Jul-2020 8:30 AM EDT
U.S. News & World Report: UVA Again No. 1 Hospital in Virginia
University of Virginia Health System

For the fifth consecutive year, U.S. News & World Report has ranked University of Virginia Medical Center as the No. 1 hospital in Virginia.

Released: 23-Jul-2020 1:10 PM EDT
Doctors urge hospitals to become ‘artificial intelligence ready’
University of Virginia Health System

Disorganized efforts to implement artificial intelligence in hospitals could undermine the technology's vast potential to benefit patients, the group warns.

Released: 23-Jul-2020 8:15 AM EDT
UVA pioneers study of genetic diseases with quantum computers
University of Virginia Health System

Scientists are harnessing the mind-bending potential of quantum computers to help us understand genetic diseases – even before quantum computers are a thing. ]

Released: 21-Jul-2020 8:30 AM EDT
Quality Heart and Lung Care Earns UVA International Award
University of Virginia Health System

For its lifesaving care of patients with severely injured hearts and lungs, University of Virginia Medical Center has earned the Extracorporeal Life Support Organization’s Platinum Level Center of Excellence Award, the international group’s highest honor. Fewer than 30 hospitals worldwide have earned this award.

Released: 16-Jul-2020 8:35 AM EDT
UVA Earns High Marks in National Breastfeeding Care Review
University of Virginia Health System

University of Virginia Medical Center and UVA Children’s have earned excellent scores for their support of breastfeeding in a nationwide survey of hospitals conducted by the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Released: 14-Jul-2020 12:55 PM EDT
Brain Cancer: UVA IDs Gene Responsible for Deadly Glioblastoma
University of Virginia Health System

The discovery of the oncogene responsible for glioblastoma could be the brain tumor's Achilles' heel, one researcher says.

Released: 13-Jul-2020 11:20 AM EDT
Single-Dose Flu Drug Reduces Spread Within Households
University of Virginia Health System

Only 1.9% of uninfected household contacts who took a single dose of baloxavir marboxil came down with the flu.

Released: 10-Jul-2020 9:00 AM EDT
Discovery reveals how plants make cellulose for strength and growth
University of Virginia Health System

The new discovery unveils the molecular machinery that plants use to weave cellulose chains into cable-like structures called "microfibrils."

Released: 3-Jul-2020 10:25 AM EDT
Lack of lockdown increased COVID-19 deaths in Sweden
University of Virginia Health System

Sweden’s controversial decision not to lock down during COVID-19 produced more deaths and greater healthcare demand than seen in countries with earlier, more stringent interventions, a new analysis finds.

Released: 1-Jul-2020 9:45 AM EDT
Exercise can slow or prevent vision loss, study finds
University of Virginia Health System

Exercise can slow or prevent the development of macular degeneration and may benefit other common causes of vision loss, such as glaucoma and diabetic retinopathy, new research suggests.

Released: 30-Jun-2020 10:05 AM EDT
Blood test at COVID-19 diagnosis can predict disease severity
University of Virginia Health System

In addition to its predictive value, the discovery could lead to new treatments to prevent deadly cytokine storms. It also may help explain why diabetes contributes to worse outcomes in patients with COVID-19.

Released: 26-Jun-2020 8:05 AM EDT
FCC Grant to Expand UVA Health’s COVID-19 Telehealth Care
University of Virginia Health System

The Federal Communications Commission awarded UVA Health $767,139 this week to expand UVA’s use of telehealth for patient care during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Released: 24-Jun-2020 11:05 AM EDT
Invasive fire ants limiting spread of meat allergy – but pose their own danger
University of Virginia Health System

Invasive fire ants common in the Gulf Coast and Texas likely are limiting a tick-acquired meat allergy in these areas, scientists report. But they have a nasty bite of their own.

Released: 22-Jun-2020 11:05 AM EDT
Focused ultrasound shows promise against deadliest brain tumor
University of Virginia Health System

An innovative use of focused ultrasound is showing promise against glioblastoma, the deadliest brain tumor, and could prove useful against other difficult-to-treat cancers.

Released: 18-Jun-2020 10:35 AM EDT
COVID-19 Collaboration Reducing Infections in Long-Term Care Facilities
University of Virginia Health System

A collaborative program developed at UVA Health to work with local long-term care facilities to control COVID-19 is saving lives and offers a model for communities across the country, a new scientific paper reports.

Released: 17-Jun-2020 8:35 AM EDT
UVA Physicians, Medical Students Launch COVID-19 Podcast
University of Virginia Health System

UVA School of Medicine physicians and students have launched a COVID-19 podcast series that includes advice to protect your health along with a behind-the-scenes look at UVA Health’s patient care and research.

Released: 16-Jun-2020 10:35 AM EDT
Five UVA Children’s Specialties Nationally Ranked by U.S. News & World Report
University of Virginia Health System

Five UVA Children’s specialties are ranked among the top 50 nationally in the 2020-2021 U.S. News World Report “Best Children’s Hospitals” guide.

Released: 16-Jun-2020 9:00 AM EDT
Exercise offers ‘profound’ benefits for Friedreich’s ataxia, research suggests
University of Virginia Health System

A top exercise researcher is urging clinical trials of exercise in patients with Friedreich’s ataxia after finding that physical activity has a “profound” protective effect in mouse models of the debilitating genetic disease.

Released: 10-Jun-2020 8:30 AM EDT
UVA Health Expanding Food Allergy Research, Clinical Trials
University of Virginia Health System

UVA Health and UVA Children’s are increasing access to the latest food allergy clinical trials and expanding their cutting-edge food-allergy research, following their selection to a national food-allergy clinical network.

Released: 5-Jun-2020 9:00 AM EDT
COVID-19: Antibody testing to reveal extent of infections across Va.
University of Virginia Health System

UVA Health has partnered with the Virginia Department of Health and other hospitals around the state to determine how many Virginians have been infected with COVID-19 – and how many remain at risk.

Released: 26-May-2020 11:15 AM EDT
Essential key to hearing sensitivity discovered in inner ear
University of Virginia Health System

New research is shedding light on the biological architecture that lets us hear – and on a genetic disorder that causes both deafness and blindness.

Released: 20-May-2020 9:00 AM EDT
iTHRIV seeks to address COVID-19 information gap in Virginia
University of Virginia Health System

The Integrated Translational Health Institute of Virginia (iTHRIV) has developed an online tool to collect COVID-19 information from volunteers who live in Virginia.

Released: 15-May-2020 10:20 AM EDT
Heart attacks, heart failure, stroke: COVID-19’s dangerous cardiovascular complications
University of Virginia Health System

A new guide from emergency medicine doctors details the potentially deadly cardiovascular complications COVID-19 can cause.

Released: 13-May-2020 11:50 AM EDT
In victory over polio, hope for the battle against COVID-19
University of Virginia Health System

Medicine’s great triumph over polio holds out hope we can do the same for COVID-19, two researchers say.

Released: 30-Apr-2020 9:00 AM EDT
Spinal cord injuries: Scientists probe individual cells to find better treatments
University of Virginia Health System

Two top scientists are seeking answers to questions about spinal cord injuries that have long frustrated the development of effective treatments.

Released: 8-Apr-2020 12:25 PM EDT
Brain discovery suggests source of lifelong behavioral issues
University of Virginia Health System

Improper removal of faulty brain cells during neurodevelopment may cause lifelong behavioral issues, new research from the University of Virginia School of Medicine suggests. The finding also could have important implications for a wide range of neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s.

Released: 1-Apr-2020 9:25 AM EDT
Genetics Researchers Find Easy Way to Improve Cancer Outcomes
University of Virginia Health System

By mining a vast trove of genetic data,researchers at the University of Virginia School of Medicine are enhancing doctors’ ability to treat cancer, predict patient outcomes and determine which treatments will work best for individual patients. The researchers have identified inherited variations in our genes that affect how well a patient will do after diagnosis and during treatment.

Released: 19-Mar-2020 10:50 AM EDT
Understanding How COVID-19 Affects Children Vital to Slowing Pandemic, Doctors Say
University of Virginia Health System

Though COVID-19 so far appears to be largely sparing children, researchers are cautioning that it is critical to understand how the virus affects kids to model the pandemic accurately, limit the disease’s spread and ensure the youngest patients get the care they need.

Released: 12-Mar-2020 9:00 AM EDT
Discovered: Why obesity causes high blood pressure -- and potential ways to fix it
University of Virginia Health System

The researchers have already confirmed their discovery in human tissue samples and used it to reverse high blood pressure in lab mice.

Released: 11-Mar-2020 11:15 AM EDT
Breastfeeding Guide Aims to Help Docs Ease Moms Through Tough 1st Week
University of Virginia Health System

A new guide seeks to ensure healthcare providers are ready to help new mothers with the challenging first week of breastfeeding – and to address gaps in knowledge and support created in previous decades when breastfeeding was far less common.

Released: 28-Jan-2020 11:05 AM EST
Major Asian Gene Study to Help Doctors Battle Disease
University of Virginia Health System

“Under-representation of Asian populations in genetic studies has meant that medical relevance for more than half of the human population is reduced,” one researcher said.

Released: 22-Jan-2020 10:25 AM EST
Potential Way to Halt Blinding Macular Degeneration Identified
University of Virginia Health System

It would be the first treatment for "dry" age-related macular degeneration and could significantly improve treatment for wet AMD.

Released: 13-Nov-2019 10:45 AM EST
Fertilization discovery reveals new role for the egg, could lead to new male contraceptive
University of Virginia Health System

An unexpected discovery about fertilization reveals new insights on how sperm and egg fuse and could have major implications for couples battling infertility – and may lead to a future male contraceptive.

Released: 7-Nov-2019 10:40 AM EST
From Plants, UVA Extracts a Better Way to Determine What Our Genes Do
University of Virginia Health System

The improved technique will help explore genetic diseases and benefit drug development. It could also lead to better, safer weed killers.

Released: 15-Oct-2019 9:00 AM EDT
UVA Doctor Uses Virtual Reality to Accelerate Availability of New Treatment
University of Virginia Health System

A UVA Health interventional radiologist has harnessed the power of virtual reality to increase the availability of a less-invasive treatment option for thyroid patients.

Released: 22-Aug-2019 9:40 AM EDT
Depression, Anxiety Linked to Opioid Use in Women With Breast Cancer
University of Virginia Health System

The findings should encourage doctors to better manage mental health in patients with breast cancer and spur care providers to consider alternative pain management such as physical therapy, massage and acupuncture, the researchers say.

Released: 16-Aug-2019 9:40 AM EDT
Here's How E. Coli Knows How to Make You Really Sick
University of Virginia Health System

Scientists have revealed how E. coli seeks out the most oxygen-free crevices of your colon to cause the worst infection possible. The discovery could one day help doctors prevent the infection from taking hold by allowing E. coli bacteria to pass harmlessly through your body. The new discovery shows just how the foodborne pathogen knows where and when to begin colonizing the colon on its way to making you sick.

Released: 13-Aug-2019 10:05 AM EDT
UVA Leads Major Effort to Understand Autism Differences in Boys, Girls
University of Virginia Health System

A pioneering autism researcher is spearheading an ambitious effort to understand how autism-spectrum disorders differ in boys and girls as part of the National Institutes of Health’s Autism Centers of Excellence Program.

Released: 5-Aug-2019 8:45 AM EDT
iTHRIV, Community Groups Partner to Improve Health of Virginians
University of Virginia Health System

Four biomedical research projects to improve the health of Virginians will be funded by the integrated Translational Health Research Institute of Virginia (iTHRIV), a Clinical Translational Science Award Hub.

Released: 30-Jul-2019 8:30 AM EDT
U.S. News & World Report Ranks UVA as No. 1 Hospital in Virginia
University of Virginia Health System

U.S. News & World Report has ranked University of Virginia Medical Center as the No. 1 hospital in Virginia for the fourth consecutive year.

Released: 11-Jul-2019 9:30 AM EDT
To Reduce Cancer’s Terrible Toll, UVA Reaches Out to Those Often Left Unheard
University of Virginia Health System

The UVA Cancer Center is reaching out to the people it serves to identify and overcome barriers to care.
