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Released: 3-Aug-2010 5:00 AM EDT
New Report Draws Lessons from NORAD for International Space Situational Awareness
Secure World Foundation

The Secure World Foundation has released a report -- "The NORAD Experience: Implications for International Space Surveillance Data Sharing" -- that examines the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) relationship and experience, then draws from those lessons for sharing space situational awareness (SSA) information.

Released: 28-Jul-2010 1:00 AM EDT
Secure World Foundation Granted UN Special Consultative Status
Secure World Foundation

The United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) has granted Secure World Foundation special consultative status.

Released: 16-Jul-2010 1:00 AM EDT
From a Distance: Citizen Science and Community Remote Sensing
Secure World Foundation

Community Remote Sensing is a new field that combines remote sensing with citizen science, social networks, and crowd-sourcing to enhance the data obtained from traditional sources. It includes the collection, calibration, analysis, communication, or application of remotely sensed information by these community means.

Released: 15-Jul-2010 1:00 AM EDT
Space Solutions Proposed to Lessen Africa’s Vulnerability to Natural Disasters
Secure World Foundation

Decision-makers and senior experts on disaster-risk management met in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia to focus on Africa's use of space-based applications and solutions.

Released: 13-Jul-2010 1:00 AM EDT
Earth Disasters: A Future Vision of Response and Recovery Tools
Secure World Foundation

A future look into the unrealized potential of remotely sensed data for disaster scenarios, including what is becoming known as community remote sensing, or cloud computing.

Released: 29-Jun-2010 3:30 PM EDT
Panel Discussion: The New National Space Policy - Prospects for International Cooperation and Making Space Safer for All
Secure World Foundation

The Arms Control Association and Secure World Foundation invite you to attend a Thursday July 1, 2010 special panel discussion on the Obama Administration’s release of its National Space Policy.

Released: 29-Jun-2010 9:00 AM EDT
Secure World Foundation Examines New National Space Policy
Secure World Foundation

President Obama's new National Space Policy calls for greater international cooperation in outer space activities and opens the door for potential international agreements to enhance the sustainability and stability of outer space.

Released: 28-Jun-2010 1:00 AM EDT
Experts Available: White House to Release National Space Policy
Secure World Foundation

Experts are available to comment upon the White House release of a new U.S. National Space Policy (NSP) - one that establishes an overarching national policy that governs the conduct of U.S. civil, commercial and military use of space.

Released: 25-Jun-2010 1:00 PM EDT
Orbital Debris, Planetary Defense, Space Sustainability Issues Detailed Before United Nations Committee
Secure World Foundation

The Secure World Foundation (SWF) participated in the Fifty-third session of the United Nations Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (COPUOS), highlighting a number of issues, such as the threat from orbital debris and other space sustainability topics.

Released: 7-Jun-2010 9:00 AM EDT
Climate Change Targeted by U.S. Department of Defense
Secure World Foundation

Climate change has been a serious concern for military leaders long before reports and headlines focused on the topic over the past few years. An informative look at how the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) is assessing the consequences from climate change is highlighted in the Spring 2010 issue of Imaging Notes magazine.

Released: 19-May-2010 1:00 AM EDT
New Fact Sheet Details Likely Roles of U.S. Air Force Secret Space Plane
Secure World Foundation

A new X-37B Orbital Test Vehicle Fact Sheet is now available from Secure World Foundation that details the likely uses of the reusable space vehicle. The informative fact sheet also explains the advantages and disadvantages of theoretical duties of the mini-space plane, gauging them in high, medium and low feasibility.

Released: 18-May-2010 1:00 AM EDT
Experts Forecast 2010 and Future Space Law and Policy Issues
Secure World Foundation

Leading authorities attending Space Law and Policy 2010 explored varied uses of outer space, as well as present-day and future legal and policy challenges - to international institutions, commercial enterprises, and the U.S. government.

Released: 13-May-2010 1:00 AM EDT
Steps Toward Latin America Space Policy
Secure World Foundation

A recent seminar has called attention to progressive steps that are being taken in shaping a Latin American national space policy, one that unifies various space efforts throughout the region.

Released: 21-Apr-2010 1:00 AM EDT
New Report Outlines Challenges and Promises of U.S. National Space Strategy
Secure World Foundation

A new report -- Towards a National Space Strategy – offers expert insight into the specific issues inherent in the establishment of space strategy. As noted in the report, the development of a U.S. National Space Strategy offers a broad set of challenges for civil space, national security space and in commercial space.

Released: 20-Apr-2010 1:00 AM EDT
Missile Defense Issues Examined in New Book
Secure World Foundation

Secure World Foundation recognizes a new book, American Missile Defense: A Guide to the Issues, expertly written by Secure World Foundation’s Victoria Samson.

Released: 19-Apr-2010 1:00 AM EDT
Secure World Foundation Announcement: Deputy Director Chosen
Secure World Foundation

Selection of Secure World Foundation Deputy Director, James Rendleman, brings to the Foundation a wide variety of science and technology, engineering, management, and space policy skills.

Released: 31-Mar-2010 1:00 AM EDT
New Book Evaluates Sustainable Use of Outer Space
Secure World Foundation

A new publication provides a fresh comprehensive evaluation on how to achieve the sustainable use of space by means of respecting fairness and responsibility.

Released: 30-Mar-2010 8:00 AM EDT
Defending Planet Earth: Special Publication Details Asteroid, Comet Threat
Secure World Foundation

A partnership between Secure World Foundation and The Planetary Society has created a special publication devoted to “Defending Our World” – an impressive look at the threat to Earth from asteroids and comets.

Released: 24-Mar-2010 1:00 AM EDT
U.S. Space Security Programs: Budget Analysis Released
Secure World Foundation

Secure World Foundation has released a budget analysis that examines an array of U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) space security programs as outlined in its Fiscal Year 2011 budget request.

Released: 19-Mar-2010 1:00 AM EDT
Space Policy Essay Competition
Secure World Foundation

Secure World Foundation and Space Policy journal have announced the Maxim Tarasenko/Secure World Foundation Prize – a 2010 student essay competition.

Released: 12-Mar-2010 1:00 PM EST
New Asteroid Threat Reports Highlight Legal and Institutional Issues
Secure World Foundation

International experts have outlined needed steps and concerns in establishing a global detection and warning network to deal with possible Near Earth Object (NEO) threats to Earth.

Released: 17-Feb-2010 1:00 AM EST
Special Briefing: Enhancing Security in Outer Space
Secure World Foundation

A special briefing, “Enhancing Space Security: Expert Recommendations” is being held in Washington, D.C. as an event that will bring together leading authorities to review the newly issued report: Towards Greater Security in Outer Space: Some Recommendations.

Released: 15-Feb-2010 8:30 AM EST
Workshop Lays Foundation for U.S. National Space Strategy
Secure World Foundation

How best to start developing a strategy for United States activities in outer space? A specially-convened workshop of experts has initiated a dialogue on how to develop a U.S. National Space Strategy.

Released: 1-Feb-2010 1:00 AM EST
Expert Available: Responding to NASA’s Budget
Secure World Foundation

NASA is set to unveil the space agency’s fiscal year 2011 budget on Monday, February 1st. Dr. Ray Williamson, Executive Director of Secure World Foundation, is prepared to respond to reporter questions regarding the proposed NASA budget.

Released: 28-Jan-2010 9:00 AM EST
Asteroid Threats to Earth: Experts Chart Steps for Global Warning Network
Secure World Foundation

International experts have outlined steps to establish a global detection and warning network to deal with possible asteroid threats to Earth.

Released: 19-Jan-2010 9:00 AM EST
Briefing: Outer Space Security - Status of and Future Trends
Secure World Foundation

Trends, developments and an assessment of the status of space security is the focus of a special briefing on Thursday, January 21st at the Embassy of Canada in Washington, D.C. The event is being held by the Secure World Foundation, the Space Security Index and the Embassy of Canada.

Released: 21-Dec-2009 1:00 AM EST
Africa Establishes New Space Partnerships
Secure World Foundation

The third African Leadership Conference on Space Science and Technology for Sustainable Development was held earlier this month in Algiers. An outcome of the gathering was the signing of two regional space partnerships

Released: 10-Dec-2009 1:00 AM EST
Reducing Orbital Debris – A Call for Global Leadership and Cooperation
Secure World Foundation

The threat from orbital debris is a growing international concern. Experts from around the world are meeting this week to identify steps that can be taken to help reduce this menacing problem.

Released: 4-Dec-2009 12:00 AM EST
Space Policy in Latin America and the Caribbean: Looking to the Future
Secure World Foundation

A space policy workshop held in Mexico City brought together space institutions in Latin American and Caribbean countries. They have agreed to identify common elements in their space policies to facilitate international cooperation.

19-Nov-2009 9:00 AM EST
Growth of Global Space Capabilities Highlighted in Congressional Testimony
Secure World Foundation

The growth of global space capabilities and the importance of emerging space Sates is addressed by Dr. Ray Williamson, Executive Director of Secure World Foundation, before a U.S. House of Representatives Subcommittee on Space and Aeronautics.

Released: 13-Nov-2009 1:00 AM EST
New Report Offers Steps to Outer Space Security
Secure World Foundation

The space community should have a “phonebook” of the satellite maneuvering centers maintained by operators to contact them quickly in case of need. In addition, satellite operators could agree to conduct “collision avoidance” exercises. A new report offers a series of recommendations to help address the orbital debris concern, and other issues that can assure enhanced security in space for all.

Released: 15-Oct-2009 1:00 AM EDT
Experts Detail Need for Sustainable Outer Space Environment - Key for Future Global Space Activities
Secure World Foundation

A panel of experts will tackle how best to cope with the rising tide of orbital space debris; what international rules of behavior are required for safe operations in space; and can there be a sustainable space environment for world-wide space activities?

Released: 7-Oct-2009 1:00 AM EDT
New Report Examines Space Security Issues
Secure World Foundation

Space Security 2009 is a just issued report that provides a comprehensive source of data and analysis on space activities and their cumulative impact on the security of outer space.

Released: 5-Aug-2009 12:00 AM EDT
Budget Analysis Details U.S. Space Security Programs
Secure World Foundation

Space security programs of the Department of Defense -- as outlined in that agency's Fiscal Year 2010 budget request -- are reviewed in a new budget analysis.

Released: 21-Jul-2009 8:45 AM EDT
Call for Leadership in Global Space Activities
Secure World Foundation

As the globe celebrates the 40th anniversary of Apollo 11's first footprints on the Moon, there is urgent need to reflect on the future of America's civil space enterprise and the role of international cooperation.

Released: 29-Jun-2009 12:00 AM EDT
Space Security Issues Tackled by International Experts
Secure World Foundation

Steps forward are being taken on a range of issues that impact civil, military and commercial users of space, from space traffic control, crafting a Code of Conduct for spacefaring nations to helping curb the development of space debris-producing anti-satellite weaponry.

Released: 23-Jun-2009 9:00 AM EDT
New Fact Sheet Details Asteroid Threat to Earth
Secure World Foundation

A new fact sheet is available on celestial objects that have a history of impacting the Earth and affecting its inhabitants.

Released: 16-Jun-2009 12:00 AM EDT
Secure World Foundation: Active Role in United Nations Deliberations on Peaceful Uses of Space
Secure World Foundation

The United Nations Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (COPUOS) held its 52nd session June 3-12. As a Non-Governmental Organization, Secure World Foundation (SWF) has attained active Permanent Observer status to further the Foundation's objectives dedicated to maintaining the secure and sustainable use of space for the benefit of Earth and all its peoples.

Released: 1-Jun-2009 12:00 AM EDT
Secure World Foundation Expands Operations
Secure World Foundation

Secure World Foundation has opened an office in Vienna, Austria, expanding its global interaction and involvement in the shaping of international space governance issues.

Released: 1-Jun-2009 12:00 AM EDT
New Agreement Signals Major Shift in International Arms Control and Disarmament Efforts
Secure World Foundation

An international body dedicated to discussing arms control and disarmament unanimously agreed on a program of work on May 29, opening the door to negotiations on space security, nuclear weapons, and fissile materials.

Released: 12-May-2009 8:50 AM EDT
What Can the World Do About Space Debris? An Urgent Call to Action
Secure World Foundation

An International Interdisciplinary Congress on Space Debris brought together legal, policy, and technical experts from around the globe, including the U.S., Russia, India, China, Canada, and Europe "“ a unique gathering of officials to thrash out and make policy, legal, and technical ideas for the next phase of dealing with the space debris issue.

6-May-2009 12:00 AM EDT
Canada Space Report: Economy, Government Policy Are Chief Concerns of Space Sector
Secure World Foundation

A new report on the state of Canada's space sector has found that analysts, industry leaders and experts are cautiously optimistic about the state of the space sector in Canada, but are watching the deteriorating state of the economy warily.

Released: 5-May-2009 9:00 AM EDT
Small Satellites Tied to International Space Situational Awareness System
Secure World Foundation

One solution to the problems of orbital debris and crowding in certain key orbits in the global commons of outer space is the development of an international civil Space Situational Awareness (SSA) system "“ an effort strongly advocated by the Secure World Foundation (SWF). Small satellites could offer assistance in attaining a robust SSA system.

Released: 29-Apr-2009 12:00 AM EDT
Space Weather and Space Junk: Hazards to Satellite Operations
Secure World Foundation

Space weather is a key aspect of a proposed system for international civil space situational awareness (ICSSA) that would help track objects in low Earth orbit, along with positional data and point of contact information.

Released: 28-Apr-2009 8:30 AM EDT
Better Data Needed To Enhance Civil and Commercial Spaceflight
Secure World Foundation

Improvements are needed in space situational awareness (SSA) for all that use the global commons of outer space to carry out a wide variety of services and to further scientific knowledge. The long term sustainability of outer space activities will in time require a broad international approach to SSA.

Released: 27-Apr-2009 12:00 AM EDT
Planetary Defense Conference: Protecting Earth from Asteroids, Comets
Secure World Foundation

International experts are meeting this week in Granada, Spain to discuss the technical, political, legal, and social issues in safeguarding the Earth from threatening asteroids and comets.

Released: 20-Apr-2009 12:00 AM EDT
Space Deterrence Concept of Increasing Relevance to Security of U.S. Space Assets
Secure World Foundation

A workshop brought together policy and strategic thinkers to discuss key lessons, impacts and points to bear in mind when thinking about space deterrence. Topics ranged from the analysis of deterrence as a viable strategy, to the threat to space assets and key policy aspects of deterrence.

Released: 15-Apr-2009 12:00 AM EDT
Experts to Discuss Dangers, Legal Issues of Thwarting Threatening Near-Earth Objects
Secure World Foundation

Experts from around the world are set to examine the dangers, prospects and legal issues of dealing with menacing Near-Earth Objects (NEOs) at The University of Nebraska in Lincoln, Nebraska. Participants in the April 23-24 conference will examine the legal and institutional challenges of international protocols if large asteroids or other interplanetary objects come too close to Earth for comfort.

Released: 9-Apr-2009 12:00 AM EDT
A Celebration of Space and Earth Exploration
Secure World Foundation

National Astronomy Day and the pioneering flight of Cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin -- the first person to orbit the Earth 48 years ago -- will be celebrated during day-long activities at the Fiske Planetarium at the University of Colorado, Boulder.

Released: 6-Apr-2009 12:00 AM EDT
Secure World Foundation Announces Director of Washington, D.C. Operations
Secure World Foundation

Victoria A. Samson has been selected as Director of Washington, D.C. Operations for Secure World Foundation, a role that will tap her talents in ensuring secure access to and sustainable use of space, as well as engaging Congressional staffers and agency officials on matters related to space security and space governance.
