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Newswise: How FLEXLAB® Is Helping to Decarbonize the Grid, Communities, and Buildings
Released: 6-Dec-2023 11:00 AM EST
How FLEXLAB® Is Helping to Decarbonize the Grid, Communities, and Buildings
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Researchers at the FLEXLAB® facility, a unique buildings testbed at Berkeley Lab, are helping the buildings and utilities sectors and U.S. policymakers develop new technologies for a zero-low-emissions grid.

Newswise:Video Embedded google-deepmind-adds-nearly-400-000-new-compounds-to-berkeley-lab-s-materials-project
27-Nov-2023 6:00 PM EST
Google DeepMind To Add Nearly 400,000 New Compounds to Berkeley Lab’s Materials Project
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

New calculations from Google DeepMind grow Berkeley Lab's Materials Project, an open-access resource that scientists use to develop new materials for future technologies. Some of the computations were used alongside data from the Materials Project to test A-Lab, a facility at Berkeley Lab where artificial intelligence guides robots in making new materials.

Newswise: A Community Approach to Fixing Biology’s Big Data Problems
Released: 15-Nov-2023 11:15 AM EST
A Community Approach to Fixing Biology’s Big Data Problems
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

With today’s fast and automated analysis tools, the field of biology is bursting at the seams with datasets about gene sequences and expression in the microbiomes around us – and inside us.

Newswise: Scaling Up Nano for Sustainable Manufacturing
6-Nov-2023 7:30 PM EST
Scaling Up Nano for Sustainable Manufacturing
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

A research team led by Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory has developed a high-performance coating material that self-assembles from 2D nanosheets, and which could significantly extend the shelf life of electronics, energy storage devices, health & safety products, and more. The researchers are the first to successfully scale up nanomaterial synthesis into useful materials for manufacturing and commercial applications.

Newswise: Growing the Quantum Workforce by Making Education Accessible to All
2-Nov-2023 6:00 PM EDT
Growing the Quantum Workforce by Making Education Accessible to All
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

The Quantum Systems Accelerator's summer camp (QCaMP) for high school students in New Mexico and California continues to evolve and grow. Under the 2023 Reaching a New Energy Sciences Workforce (RENEW) Pathway Summer School initiative, the DOE Office of Science awarded new funding to expand QCaMP's curricula and host students on-site at Berkeley Lab and Sandia Labs in 2024.

Newswise: Experiment to Capture Universe’s Earliest Moments Reaches Funding Milestone
Released: 26-Oct-2023 11:15 AM EDT
Experiment to Capture Universe’s Earliest Moments Reaches Funding Milestone
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

The National Science Foundation has awarded up to $21.4 million for the design of telescopes for CMB-S4, an international experiment that will study the cosmic microwave background and help us understand the beginning, history, and makeup of the universe. Berkeley Lab leads the project for DOE and also plays a lead role in technology development.

Newswise: ESnet Turns On 400G Circuits to Four DOE National Labs, Supercharging Multi-Site Scientific Research
Released: 25-Oct-2023 1:15 PM EDT
ESnet Turns On 400G Circuits to Four DOE National Labs, Supercharging Multi-Site Scientific Research
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

The Energy Sciences Network (ESnet) is proud to announce that it has supercharged the current and future bandwidth for four of the Department of Energy’s (DOE’s) national laboratories and user facilities, unleashing 400 Gigabit per second (400G) capability for Argonne National Laboratory, National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, and Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. With this boost in capacity, scientists can process, analyze, visualize, share, and store the enormous quantities of research data at speeds up to four times faster than previously possible.

Newswise: Itinerant Magnetism and Superconductivity in Exotic 2D Metals for Next-Generation Quantum Devices
20-Oct-2023 2:05 PM EDT
Itinerant Magnetism and Superconductivity in Exotic 2D Metals for Next-Generation Quantum Devices
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

The Quantum System Accelerator (QSA) researchers at Berkeley Lab conducted a series of experiments with a new type of layered 2D metal (TMD), finding connections in electronic behavior such as itinerant magnetism and superconductivity, which might potentially help fabricate complex superconducting quantum processors.

Newswise: New Map of Space Precisely Measures Nearly 400,000 Nearby Galaxies
Released: 18-Oct-2023 3:15 PM EDT
New Map of Space Precisely Measures Nearly 400,000 Nearby Galaxies
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Astronomers have created a detailed atlas of almost 400,000 galaxies in our cosmic neighborhood. The Siena Galaxy Atlas was primarily built from data gathered in preparation for the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI) experiment and will be an invaluable tool for research into gravitational waves, dark matter, the structure of our universe, and how galaxies evolve.

Newswise:Video Embedded making-rad-maps-with-robot-dogs
Released: 11-Oct-2023 2:15 PM EDT
Making Rad Maps with Robot Dogs
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Scientists at Berkeley Lab have created multi-sensor systems that can map nuclear radiation in 3D in real-time. Researchers are now testing how to integrate their system with robots that can autonomously investigate radiation areas.

Newswise: Doubling Down on Known Protein Families
Released: 11-Oct-2023 11:00 AM EDT
Doubling Down on Known Protein Families
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Through a novel approach detailed in Nature, a massive computational analysis of microbiome datasets more than doubled the number of known protein families. This is the first time protein structures have been used to help characterize the vast array of microbial “dark matter.”

Newswise: Berkeley Lab Awarded Two New Centers to Counter Climate Change
Released: 29-Sep-2023 2:00 PM EDT
Berkeley Lab Awarded Two New Centers to Counter Climate Change
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Berkeley Lab will lead centers for the Hydrogen and Carbon Negative Energy Earthshots, initiatives to accelerate technological breakthroughs for clean energy and solutions to the climate crisis. The Center for Ionomer-based Water Electrolysis (CIWE) will investigate methods to improve the efficiency and durability of clean-hydrogen production, while RESTOR-C will develop better ways for plants and microbes to pull carbon from the atmosphere and lock it away in the soil.

Newswise: Accelerating Sustainable Semiconductors With ‘Multielement Ink’
Released: 28-Sep-2023 11:00 AM EDT
Accelerating Sustainable Semiconductors With ‘Multielement Ink’
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Scientists have demonstrated “multielement ink” – the first “high-entropy” semiconductor that can be processed at low-temperature or room temperature. The new material could enable cost-effective and energy-efficient semiconductor manufacturing.

Newswise:Video Embedded listening-to-the-radio-on-the-far-side-of-the-moon
Released: 26-Sep-2023 11:15 AM EDT
Listening to the Radio on the Far Side of the Moon
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Researchers can use the radio-quiet far side of the moon to listen for a never-before-heard signal from the “Dark Ages” of the universe. The LuSEE-Night experiment will act as a pathfinder for future experiments, testing equipment and techniques in the harsh lunar environment.

Newswise:Video Embedded fast-track-strain-engineering-for-speedy-biomanufacturing
Released: 19-Sep-2023 11:15 AM EDT
Fast-Track Strain Engineering for Speedy Biomanufacturing
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Berkeley Lab scientists are accelerating and streamlining the process of engineering microbes to produce important compounds with commercial-ready efficiency.

Newswise:Video Embedded making-batteries-for-electric-vehicles-more-sustainable
Released: 11-Sep-2023 11:00 AM EDT
Making Batteries for Electric Vehicles More Sustainable
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Researchers developed a new battery material called disordered rock salt (DRX) that could pave the way for replacing gasoline vehicles with electric vehicles at a faster rate. DRX cathodes could be ready to commercialize in just a few years.

Newswise:Video Embedded cabling-for-lhc-upgrade-wraps-up
Released: 30-Aug-2023 11:15 AM EDT
Cabling for LHC Upgrade Wraps Up
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Experts at Berkeley Lab finished winding more than 2000 kilometers of superconducting wire into cables for new magnets that will help upgrade the Large Hadron Collider and the search for new physics.

Newswise: California Group Exploring Viability of a Community-Centered Direct Air Capture Hub
Released: 24-Aug-2023 11:15 AM EDT
California Group Exploring Viability of a Community-Centered Direct Air Capture Hub
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Researchers from Berkeley Lab are co-leading a project to explore the creation of a direct air capture facility that uses cutting-edge technologies to remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere in California’s Southern San Joaquin Valley.

Newswise: Advances in Quantum Emitters Mark Progress Toward a Quantum Internet
Released: 22-Aug-2023 11:15 AM EDT
Advances in Quantum Emitters Mark Progress Toward a Quantum Internet
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

A team of Berkeley Lab researchers has recently demonstrated a more effective technique for creating quantum emitters using pulsed ion beams, which could lead to their use in a quantum internet and for sensing radiation.

Newswise: How Scientists Are Accelerating Next-Gen Microelectronics
Released: 21-Aug-2023 11:00 AM EDT
How Scientists Are Accelerating Next-Gen Microelectronics
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

In a new Q&A, microelectronics expert and CHiPPS Director Ricardo Ruiz shares his perspective on keeping pace with Moore’s Law in the decades to come through a revolutionary technique called extreme ultraviolet lithography.
