Latest News from: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

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Released: 18-Feb-2007 3:00 PM EST
Team Takes First Deep Dive Into Brain's Molecular Machinery
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

The Allen Brain Atlas, a genome-wide map of the mouse brain on the Internet, has been hailed as "Google of the brain." The atlas now has a companion of the brain's working molecules, a sort of pop-up book of the proteins, or proteome map, that those genes express.

Released: 15-Dec-2006 6:25 PM EST
Russian Capabilities Benefit the Hydrogen Economy
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

Former cold warriors collaborate to create and market a miniature hydrogen gas sensor with improved reliability and response time. Such a device will provide added safety, detection capability and efficiency to a variety of applications industry-wide.

Released: 11-Dec-2006 4:20 PM EST
Mileage from Megawatts: Enough Electric Capacity to “Fill Up” Plug-In Vehicles
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

If all the cars and light trucks in the nation switched from oil to electrons, idle capacity in the existing electric power system could generate most of the electricity consumed by plug-in hybrid electric vehicles. A new study for the Department of Energy finds that "off-peak" electricity production and transmission capacity could fuel 84 percent of the country's 220 million vehicles if they were plug-in hybrid electrics.

Released: 29-Nov-2006 8:20 AM EST
Night of the Living Enzyme
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

Scientists in the Pacific Northwest have found that inactive enzymes entombed in tiny honeycomb-shaped holes in silica can spring to life. The finding points the way for exploiting these enzyme traps in food processing, decontamination, biosensor design and any other pursuit that requires controlling catalysts and sustaining their activity.

Released: 22-Nov-2006 12:00 PM EST
Plague Proteome Reveals Proteins Linked to Infection
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

Pacific Northwest National Laboratory study can lead to improved disease detection, vaccines and treatments.

Released: 22-Oct-2006 2:15 PM EDT
Biofuel Cells without the Bio Cells
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

Pacific Northwest National Laboratory scientists first to measure electrical charge shuttled by proteins removed from living cells.

Released: 29-Sep-2006 8:50 AM EDT
An Infectious Agent of Deception, Exposed Through Proteomics
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

The most detailed inventory yet of Salmonella proteins teases out how bacteria invade immune cells while evading detection"”and presents a promising target for new drugs, vaccines and rapid diagnostics

Released: 7-Jul-2006 7:15 PM EDT
Laboratory Wins Prestigious R&D 100 Awards for Five Technologies
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

Pacific Northwest National Laboratory has been recognized with five 2006 R&D 100 awards for a new cancer treatment method, a process that reduces the rate of post-surgical infection, and technologies that have reduced energy use, and led to improvements in the health and materials fields.

Released: 22-Jun-2006 5:50 PM EDT
You Scream, I Scream…there’s Something in My Ice Cream!
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

A new ultrasonic technology could tell ice cream manufacturers and other food processors if foreign objects have fallen into their tasty product before customers find them at the bottom of their cones or on their dinner plates.

Released: 22-Jun-2006 5:30 PM EDT
New System Trains Good Grid Operators with Bad Data
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

Power grid operators now have the ability to train like pilots, with simulators providing faulty readings designed to throw them off. Such misleading data and resulting loss of "situational awareness" was identified as a major cause of the August 2003 blackout "“ which cost the country between $4 billion and $10 billion.

Released: 19-May-2006 9:10 AM EDT
New Century of Thirst for World's Mountains
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

Most detailed forecast to date shows sharp snowpack decline between now and year 2100; New Zealand, Latin America, Western U.S., European ranges hardest hit.

Released: 16-May-2006 6:00 PM EDT
A Biosensor Layered Like Lasagna
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

Pacific Northwest National Laboratory scientists have used electrostatic attraction to layer reactive biological molecules lasagna-like around spaghetti-like carbon nanotubes.

Released: 16-May-2006 5:50 PM EDT
Buckyballs Make Room for Gilded Cages
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

Scientists have uncovered a class of gold atom clusters that are the first known metallic hollow equivalents of the famous hollow carbon fullerenes known as buckyballs.

Released: 30-Mar-2006 5:00 PM EST
From Europa to the Lab, a New Recipe for Oxygen on Icy Moons
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

Extraterrestrial ice as a source for oxygen has presented the tantalizing possibility of complex life elsewhere in our solar system. But how hydrogen peroxide emerges from ice to become life-sustaining oxygen has been unclear...until now.

17-Feb-2006 12:00 AM EST
New Nano-Canary in the Nanotoxicology Coalmine: the Body Itself
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

With an eye on disembodied cells and virtual organs, researchers attempt to track biological changes as they occur.

16-Feb-2006 8:35 PM EST
Grand Challenges, National Lab-Style
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

A leading molecular sciences research facility in the Pacific Northwest is seeing early promise from its two scientific "grand challenges" that have been investigating enigmas in microbiology and biogeochemistry.

Released: 16-Feb-2006 8:30 PM EST
PNNL Recognized for Commercializing Technology
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

Pacific Northwest National Laboratory has been recognized for transferring technologies that treat and cure cancer, uniquely analyze massive sets of data, neutralize toxic chemicals from the environment and increase surgical implant success rates.

Released: 16-Feb-2006 8:30 PM EST
Legendary Mathematician Joins National Laboratory
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

Benoit Mandelbrot takes on new challenges in advanced mathematics for computational science.

Released: 5-Feb-2006 4:10 PM EST
Synchronized Flights Reveal Intriguing Information about Ice Particles
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

In the clouds above Darwin, Australia, pilots guided by a team of international climate scientists are now one week into a series of carefully orchestrated flights to obtain key in situ data about tropical clouds.

Released: 17-Jan-2006 8:15 PM EST
Haze Dynasty
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

A research team has found that while cloud cover in China has been decreasing for the past 50 years, cloud-free days do not mean sunshine. Smog is to blame.
