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5-Apr-2021 7:30 AM EDT
Brain Cells Decide on Their Own When to Release Pleasure Hormone
NYU Langone Health

In addition to smoothing out wrinkles, researchers have found that the drug Botox can reveal the inner workings of the brain. A new study used it to show that feedback from individual nerve cells controls the release of dopamine, a chemical messenger involved in motivation, memory, and movement.

Released: 31-Mar-2021 11:15 AM EDT
NYU Langone Seeks to Close the Gap in Colorectal Cancer Disparities with $2.2 Million Cohen Foundation Grant
NYU Langone Hospital - Brooklyn

NYU Langone Health will expand colorectal cancer screenings to address disease disparities in underserved communities with a $2.2 million grant from the Steven & Alexandra Cohen Foundation.

Released: 11-Mar-2021 11:25 AM EST
NYU Langone Brings Top Talent to Advance Cancer Care in Brooklyn
NYU Langone Hospital - Brooklyn

To help develop the latest treatment methods and expand cancer care service, Thomas Daniels, MD, has been appointed service chief of the Department of Radiation Oncology at Perlmutter Cancer Center–Sunset Park in Brooklyn.

Released: 10-Mar-2021 7:00 AM EST
Exposure to Flame Retardants Early in Pregnancy Linked to Premature Birth
NYU Langone Health

Expectant women are more likely to give birth early if they have high blood levels of a chemical used in flame retardants compared with those who have limited exposure, a new study finds.

4-Mar-2021 1:10 PM EST
Study Maps Key Proteins Linked to Epilepsy, Revealing New Drug Targets
NYU Langone Health

An analysis of adult human brain tissue reveals over 900 proteins tied to epilepsy. The brain disorder, estimated to afflict more than 3 million Americans, is mostly known for symptoms of hallucinations, dreamlike states, and uncontrolled, often disabling bodily seizures.

Released: 8-Mar-2021 7:00 AM EST
Hassenfeld Children’s Hospital at NYU Langone Health Unveils New Comprehensive Pediatric Congenital Heart Center
NYU Langone Health

State-of-the-Art Facility and Multidisciplinary Team Approach Expands Care for Children with Complex Congenital Heart Defects

1-Mar-2021 9:40 AM EST
Study Reveals Details of Immune Defense Guidance System
NYU Langone Health

At the beginning of an immune response, a molecule known to mobilize immune cells into the bloodstream, where they home in on infection sites, rapidly shifts position, a new study shows. Researchers say this indirectly amplifies the attack on foreign microbes or the body’s own tissues.

Released: 3-Mar-2021 10:00 AM EST
Leading Expert in Women’s Cancers Appointed Director of Gynecologic Oncology at Perlmutter Cancer Center
NYU Langone Health

Nationally renowned surgeon and women’s cancers expert Leslie R. Boyd, MD, has been named director of the Division of Gynecologic Oncology

Released: 19-Feb-2021 10:15 AM EST
Innovative Parenting Programs Address Inequality in Young Children’s Development
NYU Langone Health

Parent education programs and interventions that begin shortly after the birth of a child have shown to significantly impact parenting behaviors that support social and academic engagement for children growing up in poverty.

10-Feb-2021 7:30 AM EST
Gene-Based Blood Test for Melanoma Spread Evaluates Treatment Progress
NYU Langone Health

A test that monitors blood levels of DNA fragments released by dying tumor cells may serve as an accurate early indicator of treatment success in people in late stages of one of the most aggressive forms of skin cancer, a new study finds.

8-Feb-2021 7:30 AM EST
Pre-COVID Subway Air Polluted from DC to Boston, But New York Region’s Is the Worst, Study Finds
NYU Langone Health

New York City’s transit system exposes riders to more inhaled pollutants than any other metropolitan subway system in the Northeastern United States, a new study finds. Yet even its “cleaner” neighbors struggle with enough toxins to give health-conscious travelers pause.

Released: 2-Feb-2021 7:00 AM EST
Surgery to Heal Inflamed Gut May Create New Target for Disease
NYU Langone Health

A surgical procedure meant to counter ulcerative colitis, an immune disease affecting the colon, may trigger a second immune system attack, a new study shows.

25-Jan-2021 7:00 PM EST
Schizophrenia Second Only To Age as Greatest Risk Factor for COVID-19 Death
NYU Langone Health

People with schizophrenia, a mental disorder that affects mood and perception of reality, are almost three times more likely to die from the coronavirus than those without the psychiatric illness, a new study shows. Their higher risk, the investigators say, cannot be explained by other factors that often accompany serious mental health disorders, such as higher rates of heart disease, diabetes, and smoking.

18-Jan-2021 9:00 AM EST
Study Pins Down Number of Americans with Most Common Form of Lupus
NYU Langone Health

Just over 200,000 Americans suffer from systemic lupus erythematosus, or SLE, a condition in which the body's immune system mistakenly attacks its own healthy tissues, especially joints and skin, a new study shows.

Released: 11-Jan-2021 3:00 PM EST
NYU Langone Transplant Institute Celebrates Milestone Lung Transplant Procedure
NYU Langone Health

Program’s 100th Lung Transplant Is Its First for a Patient with Lungs Damaged by COVID-19

Released: 10-Dec-2020 9:00 AM EST
Studies Reveal Potential Weaknesses in SARS-CoV-2 Infection
NYU Langone Health

A single protein that appears necessary for the COVID-19 virus to reproduce and spread to other cells is a potential weakness that could be targeted by future therapies.

Released: 4-Dec-2020 3:15 PM EST
New Study Finds Once Hospitalized, Black Patients with COVID-19 Have Lower Risk of Death than White Patients
NYU Langone Health

A team of investigators at NYU Langone Health has found that once hospitalized, Black patients (after controlling for other serious health conditions and neighborhood income) were less likely to have severe illness, die, or be discharged to hospice compared to White patients.

Released: 23-Nov-2020 11:00 AM EST
New Spinal Fusion Surgery Technique Leads to Better Outcomes, Reduced OR Time & Length of Stay for Patients
NYU Langone Health

NYU Langone research finds a new spinal fusion surgery technique leads to better outcomes and shorter hospital stays for patients.

16-Nov-2020 7:00 AM EST
Artificial Intelligence Program Can Pick Best Candidates for Skin Cancer Treatment
NYU Langone Health

Experts trained a computer to tell which skin cancer patients may benefit from drugs that keep tumors from shutting down the immune system’s attack on them, a new study finds.

Released: 16-Nov-2020 1:05 PM EST
NYU Langone Health Expands Comprehensive Lung Cancer Care in Brooklyn
NYU Langone Hospital - Brooklyn

NYU Langone Health’s Perlmutter Cancer Center, a National Cancer Institute–designated Comprehensive Cancer Center, in partnership with NYU Langone Hospital–Brooklyn is growing its state-of-the-art lung cancer care in New York City’s largest borough with a new expansion of treatment and screening services.
