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Released: 2-Nov-2020 11:50 AM EST
Masks can help block coronavirus-carrying droplets
South Dakota State University

Aerosol modeling shows masks can block the inhaled droplet sizes that are most likely to reach key infection site, nasopharynx.

Released: 5-Oct-2020 5:25 PM EDT
New connection method makes precast building repair fast, cost-effective
South Dakota State University

A newly patented method of connecting precast beams and columns will make it possible to quickly repair concrete buildings damaged by earthquakes and hurricanes.

Released: 29-Sep-2020 2:50 PM EDT
Where do certified geographic information systems professionals work?
South Dakota State University

A study on the characteristics and geographical distribution of those who have obtained GIS professional certification will help students and educators.

Released: 23-Sep-2020 12:00 PM EDT
Putting spin in semiconductor materials
South Dakota State University

New semiconductor materials that use an electron’s spin to store information can make computers and electronic devices faster, more energy efficient and less expensive.

Released: 21-Sep-2020 11:40 AM EDT
Improving bison health, production
South Dakota State University

The Center of Excellence for Bison Studies seeks to improve bison herd health and production and the economic viability of both private and tribal bison producers.

Released: 14-Sep-2020 1:50 PM EDT
Protective coating, interfacial layer to improve lithium-ion battery performance
South Dakota State University

Researchers are developing new materials to help improve the performance of lithium-ion batteries.

Released: 2-Sep-2020 4:30 PM EDT
Increasing adoption of soil conservation practices
South Dakota State University

Farmers who make soil health a priority are more likely to rotate three or more crops and to graze livestock on cropland, according to a survey of producers in South Dakota, North Dakota and Nebraska.

Released: 25-Aug-2020 11:05 AM EDT
NIH project seeks to improve cancer-fighting therapeutics
South Dakota State University

Scientists are examining how specialized immune cells called macrophages recognize and destroy target cells and why they sometimes do not.

Released: 24-Aug-2020 11:50 AM EDT
Increasing protein, fiber in steamed bread
South Dakota State University

Replacing up to 15% of the flour with dried distillers grain, a coproduct of the ethanol industry, can help increase the protein and fiber in steamed bread.

Released: 19-Aug-2020 5:50 PM EDT
Integrating cellulose fibers to asphalt pavement mixtures
South Dakota State University

Using a renewable, sustainable ingredient in asphalt pavement will benefit the transportation industry as well as the agricultural and forestry sectors.

Released: 17-Aug-2020 3:40 PM EDT
Examining how coronavirus infects cells
South Dakota State University

Identifying the genetic mechanisms through which the new coronavirus enters and infects cells can help scientists combat COVID-19—and perhaps other emerging viruses.

Released: 4-Aug-2020 12:20 PM EDT
Testing FLARE system to calibrate satellite sensors
South Dakota State University

Imaging engineers at South Dakota State University are testing a prototype device that may soon be used to calibrate satellite sensors and conducting research to validate new remote sensing products.

Released: 29-Jul-2020 11:50 AM EDT
New weapon to help fight wheat scab
South Dakota State University

A near-infrared seed sorter that can quickly identify and remove seeds damaged by Fusarium head blight will help wheat breeders improve scab resistance.

Released: 27-Jul-2020 12:45 PM EDT
Engineering study examines sunflower stem growth
South Dakota State University

Examining the structure of a sunflower stem as it matures can help both the plant scientist and the biomaterials engineer.

Released: 21-Jul-2020 12:15 PM EDT
Aerosol modeling targets sinus inflammation
South Dakota State University

New instructions for using nasal sprays may help deliver at least eight times more inflammation-reducing medicine to diseased sinus tissues.

Released: 7-Jul-2020 5:15 PM EDT
Aspirin, flavonoid metabolites may be preventing colorectal cancer
South Dakota State University

Simpler phenolic compounds, known as hydroxybenzoic acids, that result when the gut bacteria break down aspirin and flavonoids from fruits and vegetables may contribute to colorectal cancer prevention.

Released: 6-Jul-2020 4:50 PM EDT
Improving wildfire emissions model
South Dakota State University

New satellite instrumentation will help researchers estimate fire emissions every half hour for the United States.

Released: 23-Jun-2020 3:05 PM EDT
Making biodegradable plastics from cellulose
South Dakota State University

A SDSU scientist is using inorganic salts to solubilize cellulose extracted from corn stover and make a flexible, biodegradable film.

Released: 22-Jun-2020 12:55 PM EDT
Using microparticles to eradicate tuberculosis
South Dakota State University

Loading microparticles with drugs designed to active the macrophages in which TB bacteria hide may lead to therapeutics that can treat drug-resistant and latent TB.

Released: 10-Jun-2020 4:05 PM EDT
Water Quality Testing Continues During Pandemic
South Dakota State University

Senior chemist Beverly Klein tells her experiences doing essential water quality testing during the pandemic--alone.
