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Released: 14-Dec-2012 5:00 PM EST
North Dakota State University and Lawrence Livermore National Lab Announce Research Partnership
North Dakota State University

North Dakota State University (NDSU), Fargo, and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL), Livermore, Calif., announced that they have entered into a memorandum of agreement to collaborate on research and development projects involving computational-based modeling and simulation for energy and energy-related applications. NDSU President Dean Bresciani, and LLNL Director Dr. Penrose Albright finalized the agreement, which was announced by U.S. Senator John Hoeven at a signing ceremony at NDSU on Dec. 14.

Released: 11-Dec-2012 4:05 PM EST
Want Your Baby to Learn? Research Shows Sitting Up Helps
North Dakota State University

New research out of North Dakota State University, Fargo, and Texas A&M shows that something as simple as the body position of babies while they learn plays a critical role in their cognitive development. “Posture Support Improves Object Individuation in Infants,” co-authored by Dr. Rebecca J. Woods of NDSU and Dr. Teresa Wilcox of Texas A&M, is published in the journal Developmental Psychology®.

Released: 22-Oct-2012 5:15 PM EDT
Initial Results of Study Show North Dakota Clay Could Play Role in Oilpatch
North Dakota State University

Initial results of clay samples from western North Dakota show varying percentages of alumina content, a finding of interest to the North Dakota Geological Survey that commissioned the study. Scientists in a lab at North Dakota State University’s Center for Nanoscale Science and Engineering (CNSE), Fargo, are completing analysis of the clay, often referred to as kaolin, which could eventually play a role in proppants used for hydraulic fracturing in North Dakota oil exploration.

Released: 16-Oct-2012 5:20 PM EDT
NDSU Receives Phase III Grant for Biomedical Research
North Dakota State University

Biomedical researchers at North Dakota State University, Fargo, (NDSU) have received a $4.9 million, five-year research grant from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) for new strategies for targeting protease (pro’ tee aze) in disease (Grant No.: 1P30GM103332-01). The Phase III funding provides continuing support for a competitive biomedical center at NDSU, focused on fighting diseases such as cancer, asthma, hypertension and arthritis.

Released: 10-Oct-2012 11:45 AM EDT
Technology Created at NDSU Licensed to c2renew corp.
North Dakota State University

A technology developed at North Dakota State University, Fargo, creates performance- driven biocomposite materials by incorporating agricultural by-products into plastics for a wide range of engineering applications. The technology also has led to a new start-up company set to serve a spectrum of markets. c2renew corp., a start-up company based in Colfax, N.D., announced today that it has concluded a license agreement with the NDSU Research Foundation (NDSU/RF) for the green technology.

Released: 14-Sep-2012 8:00 AM EDT
NDSU "Big Data" Research Bolstered by National Science Foundation Award
North Dakota State University

When it comes to research, scientists often generate oceans of data, which can create challenges to capture, store, analyze and understand. Standard computer systems cannot handle what is known as “big data”— high-volume, high-velocity data sets. The National Science Foundation, in a competitive grant process, has awarded North Dakota State University a $400,000 grant over three years to create a Data-Intensive Cyberinfrastructure for Research and Education at NDSU, Fargo.

Released: 30-Aug-2012 5:00 PM EDT
NDSU Research Connects the Dots to Renewable Energy Future
North Dakota State University

Svetlana Kilina, Ph.D., assistant professor of chemistry and biochemistry at North Dakota State University, Fargo, has received a $750,000 five-year award from the U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science Early Career Research Program. Dr. Kilina’s research occurs at the intersection of renewable energy, high-performance computing, nanotechnology and chemistry.

Released: 20-Aug-2012 5:20 PM EDT
NDSU Faculty Receives NSF Funding for Chemistry Research
North Dakota State University

Sivaguru (Siva) Jayaraman, Ph.D., associate professor of chemistry and biochemistry at North Dakota State University, Fargo, has received a three-year, $429,500 award from the National Science Foundation (NSF) to conduct research outlined in his proposal titled “Light Induced Enantiospecific Chiral Transfer in Solution.”

Released: 10-Jul-2012 5:30 PM EDT
One Smart Egg: Birds Sense Day Length and Change Development
North Dakota State University

This is one smart egg. Talk about adjusting your internal clock. New research at North Dakota State University, Fargo, shows that some chicks can sense day length, even while they are still in the egg, which in turn, affects how they develop. Dr. Mark E. Clark, associate professor, and Dr. Wendy Reed, head of biological sciences at NDSU, found in their study that embryos in eggs appear to sense external environments and adjust how they develop. The research is being published in Functional Ecology, a British Ecological Journal, available in early view online.

Released: 22-Jun-2012 4:45 PM EDT
NDSU Students’ Business Competes in Cleantech
North Dakota State University

A technology start-up company, Switch Incorporated, founded by North Dakota State University students, is a semifinalist in the ‘Smart Power, Green Grid and Energy Storage’ category of the Cleantech Open. Switch, an energy monitoring and automation software with a completely free and open interface, allows users to access and monitor energy consumption at their home or business with their computer or mobile phone.

Released: 3-May-2012 8:00 AM EDT
Experiments Underestimate How Much Plants Respond to Climate Change
North Dakota State University

If you’ve noticed that spring seems to be arriving earlier, forcing blooms to burst and leaves to unfurl sooner than expected, scientists may have found one of the reasons. An international research team that includes Steven Travers, assistant professor of biological sciences at North Dakota State University, Fargo, N.D., USA, has shown that experiments underpredict how plants respond to climate change. The research, which included 22 institutions in the U.S., Canada, Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom, is being published in an advance online issue of the journal Nature.

Released: 24-Apr-2012 5:00 PM EDT
Research Provides Clues for Effective Management of Minnesota Duck Depot
North Dakota State University

Lakes have lifecycles of their own and results from more than two decades of research by North Dakota State University professor Malcolm Butler and his students are being used to help determine optimum ways to manage and restore a Minnesota lake managed for migratory waterfowl. Butler, professor of biological sciences at NDSU, is one of 10 co-authors contributing to “A 200-year perspective on alternative stable state theory and lake management from a biomanipulated shallow lake” being published in Ecological Applications.

Released: 2-Apr-2012 3:00 PM EDT
Food Logistics Magazine selects Lift’n Buddy as a Top 10 Innovator of 2012
North Dakota State University

Ergologistics, a start-up company at the North Dakota State University Research and Technology Park’s Technology Incubator, and creators of the electric hand truck Lift’n Buddy, has been named a Top 10 Innovator of 2012 by Food Logistics Magazine.

Released: 30-Mar-2012 5:15 PM EDT
“Sugar on a Stick” Helps Kids Learn How to Learn
North Dakota State University

Many children are exposed to technology at an early age, but few are taught how to harness the power of technology to drive their own learning and their future. A team of North Dakota State University students works with elementary school students, using a free, open-source software platform called Sugar, which contains software applications that allow kids to explore math, language arts, science, social science and computer programming.

Released: 23-Mar-2012 8:00 AM EDT
Plasma Flows May Shed Light on Predicting Sunspot Cycles
North Dakota State University

Geophysics researcher Cherish Bauer-Reich wants to look inside the sun. More accurately, she wants to simulate the sun to study plasma flows associated with sunspot cycles. The Center for Computationally Assisted Science and Technology (CCAST) at North Dakota State University provides the power for Bauer-Reich’s research. Scientists recently warned about a series of solar storms in early March, concerned that it could affect global positioning systems, power grids, satellites and airplane travel.

Released: 14-Mar-2012 5:20 PM EDT
NDSU Computer Science Professor Receives National Science Foundation CAREER Award
North Dakota State University

A major national grant received by a North Dakota State University computer science assistant professor will be used to help develop more effective methods to test software, enhance computer science curriculum, and provide opportunities for student researchers. Hyunsook Do, Ph.D., assistant professor of computer science at NDSU, Fargo, has received a Faculty Early Career Development award (CAREER) from the National Science Foundation (NSF).

Released: 9-Mar-2012 6:00 PM EST
NDSU Lab Conducts Analysis of Clay Samples for Potential Proppant Source
North Dakota State University

Scientists in a lab at North Dakota State University's Center for Nanoscale Science and Engineering (CNSE), Fargo, are analyzing materials that could eventually play a role in North Dakota oil exploration. Clays from the state show early promise for potential use as a key material known as ceramic proppant,

Released: 5-Mar-2012 7:00 AM EST
Gender, Magazine Type, Affect Health News Reporting
North Dakota State University

A new study by a faculty member at North Dakota State University, Fargo, and an NDSU alumnus, found health magazines are more likely than general popular culture magazines to use powerless language, or language that lacks certainty or directness, when reporting new health information.

Released: 22-Feb-2012 4:00 PM EST
Dental Implant, Aphasia Therapy and Marine Coatings Win Innovation Challenge
North Dakota State University

From innovative dental implants, to helping people with aphasia, or developing coatings for industry, students at North Dakota State University, Fargo, are being rewarded for their entrepreneurial efforts. Bison Microventure, a team of 15 NDSU students, won first place and $5,000 for their novel dental implant design as part of the Innovation Challenge ’12 at NDSU. A project involving aphasia therapy for professionals received a second-place award, and a student-designed coating system for ship hulls won third-place honors.

Released: 15-Feb-2012 3:30 PM EST
NDSU Establishes Center of Research Excellence Focusing on Industry
North Dakota State University

The North Dakota Centers of Excellence Commission has approved $320,000 to establish the Center for Technologically Innovative Products and Processes (CTIPP) at North Dakota State University, Fargo. Initially, the CTIPP will partner with industrial companies such as Mid-America Aviation, Amity Technology, and Arkema, Inc., assisting with product research, testing, evaluation and analysis.
