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Released: 3-Oct-2016 10:05 AM EDT
It Takes a Village: Researchers Visiting Tiny House Villages Across US to Study Benefits, Challenges
Kansas State University

Kansas State University's Brandon Irwin, assistant professor of kinesiology, and Julia Day, assistant professor of interior design, will be traveling the United States to study the new trend in housing: tiny houses.

Released: 3-Oct-2016 10:05 AM EDT
Professional Development Short Course Focuses on Decision-Making About Products, Projects in Companies
Kansas State University

A professional development short course focuses on business and leadership from an engineering perspective. Participants will learn a process to evaluate products and projects at their company so they make better use of company resources.

Released: 29-Sep-2016 9:05 AM EDT
Kansas State University Contributes to Potential Zika Virus Vaccine Development
Kansas State University

A research team that includes scientists with Kansas State University's Biosecurity Research Institute has developed a promising Zika virus vaccine.

Released: 26-Sep-2016 9:05 AM EDT
Institute for Civic Discourse and Democracy Urges Civility in Upcoming Presidential Debates
Kansas State University

Through research and a national partnership, Kansas State University's Institute for Civic Discourse and Democracy is calling for civility and respect in Monday's presidential debates and the upcoming debates in October.

Released: 22-Sep-2016 9:05 AM EDT
Culex Mosquitoes Do Not Transmit Zika Virus, Kansas State University Study Finds
Kansas State University

A Kansas State University study at the Biosecurity Research Institute has found important results in the fight against Zika virus: Culex mosquitoes do not appear to transmit Zika virus.

Released: 15-Sep-2016 5:05 PM EDT
Kansas State University Researchers Map Links Between Salmonella and Sepsis
Kansas State University

Research by industrial engineering and biology researchers at Kansas State University marks a significant milestone in the battle against sepsis, the second highest cause of death in intensive care units in the U.S.

Released: 14-Sep-2016 2:05 PM EDT
Professor's Project Helps Navajo Students Add Interest in Math
Kansas State University

David Auckly, professor of mathematics at Kansas State University, co-founded the Navajo Nation Math Circles Project to provide mathematic activities and opportunities for K-12 Navajo students in the American Southwest.

Released: 13-Sep-2016 9:05 AM EDT
Meet Bethany Jochim: Physics Doctoral Student Studies Laser-Molecule Interactions
Kansas State University

Bethany Jochim, doctoral student in physics, is using intense lasers to fragment molecules. Her research could possibly lead to control of the outcomes of chemical processes one day.

Released: 12-Sep-2016 9:05 AM EDT
Cruise Ships, Schools May Become Safer From Certain Viruses Because of Kansas State University Patent
Kansas State University

Researchers at Kansas State University and Wichita State University have developed broad-spectrum antivirals that may help combat the infections and spreading of common viruses, such as noroviruses and rhinoviruses, and ones that pose a bioterrorism threat.

Released: 9-Sep-2016 1:05 PM EDT
Excellence in Student Learning Assessment Earns Kansas State University National Designation
Kansas State University

Kansas State University is one of 10 exemplary college and universities to be named in the inaugural class of Excellence in Assessment designees, the first national designation of its kind to showcase institutions at the leading edge of integrated student learning outcomes.

Released: 29-Aug-2016 12:05 PM EDT
J.R. Macdonald Lab Receives Nearly $8 Million DOE Grant Renewal
Kansas State University

Kansas State University's James R. Macdonald Laboratory has received a nearly $8 million grant renewal from the U.S. Department of Energy.

Released: 15-Aug-2016 10:05 AM EDT
A Very Hungry Caterpillar: Researchers Sequence Genome of 'Gluttonous' Tobacco Hornworm
Kansas State University

A Kansas State University-led international team of 114 researchers has sequenced the genome of the tobacco hornworm, or Manduca sexta.

Released: 10-Aug-2016 10:05 AM EDT
Clearing the Air: Kansas State University Engineers to Engage Chicagoans in Air Pollution Monitoring
Kansas State University

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency awarded three Kansas State University researchers and seven Chicago organizations a $750,000 grant to investigate if giving communities access to low-cost portable air pollution monitoring devices could help improve air quality.

Released: 18-Jul-2016 9:10 AM EDT
Why Do We Care for Bears? 'Bearcam' Study Focuses on Human Connection with Wildlife, Parks
Kansas State University

Two Kansas State University researchers are using a "bearcam" at Katmai National Park to study if people form emotional connections with animals by watching live webcams.

Released: 7-Jul-2016 4:05 PM EDT
Kansas State University Researchers Study Immigration From Central America to Rural Kansas
Kansas State University

Alisa Garni, associate professor of sociology at Kansas State University, and her student team are conducting long-term, in-depth ethnographic research on Central American immigrants in Kansas.

Released: 27-Jun-2016 9:05 AM EDT
Zika Virus Research at Biosecurity Research Institute Aims to Control, Fight Mosquitoes
Kansas State University

Kansas State University is helping the fight against Zika virus through mosquito research at the Biosecurity Research Institute.

Released: 22-Jun-2016 9:05 AM EDT
Get a clue: Biochemist studies fruit fly to understand Parkinson's disease, muscle wasting
Kansas State University

By studying the fruit fly, Kansas State University researchers have found a connection between a gene called clueless and genes that cause Parkinson's disease.

Released: 13-Jun-2016 4:05 PM EDT
A Common Enemy: Through Clinical Trials, Veterinarian Fights Cancer in Animals, Humans
Kansas State University

A Kansas State University veterinarian is conducting clinical trials to treat cancers in dogs, cats and other companion animals.

Released: 8-Jun-2016 10:05 AM EDT
Kansas State University Researchers Invent, Patent New Class of Lasers
Kansas State University

Kansas State University researchers have invented a new class of lasers. The energy-efficient lasers are portable; reach wavelengths that are invisible, requiring technology that is transparent at those wavelengths; and they have the potential to scale to high-powered versions.

Released: 31-May-2016 9:00 AM EDT
Ecologists Advise an Increase in Prescribed Grassland Burning to Maintain Ecosystem, Livelihood
Kansas State University

At least 50 percent of the tallgrass prairie in the Flint Hills is burned every three to four years or less frequently and is susceptible to becoming shrubland if fire frequencies are not increased.
