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Released: 27-Mar-2012 12:55 PM EDT
Expert Available: Racial Discourse and the Death of Trayvon Martin
University of Rochester

President Barack Obama's response to the death of Trayvon Martin represents "a new direction for his often strained approach to racial matters," says Stephanie Li, assistant professor of English at the University of Rochester and author of Signifying Without Specifying: Racial Discourse in the Age of Obama .

Released: 21-Mar-2012 6:00 AM EDT
Dignity for All Students: Expert Offers Tips for Preventing Bullying
University of Rochester

University of Rochester bullying expert Katy Allen offers her views on New York State's "Dignity for All Students Act," which takes effect this summer, and how schools and parents can help combat issues of social conflict, aggression, and drama—not just with The Dignity Act but in general—before they escalate and become serious bullying violations.

Released: 7-Mar-2012 2:00 PM EST
Rap Video Introduces Prospective Students to Rochester
University of Rochester

The latest video created by the University of Rochester's Admissions Office gives prospective students facts and figures about the University with a hip hop twist.

1-Feb-2012 3:30 PM EST
Online Dating Research Shows Cupid's Arrow Is Turning Digital
University of Rochester

Online dating has not only shed its stigma, it has surpassed all forms of matchmaking in the United States other than meeting through friends, according to a new analysis of research on the burgeoning relationship industry.

Released: 10-Jan-2012 9:00 AM EST
Scholar Explores Cultural Legacy of Michael Jackson
University of Rochester

Controversy and scandal marred Michael Jackson's reputation as the most influential entertainer of all time, however a new book about the King of Pop is designed to change that.

Released: 9-Jan-2012 10:45 AM EST
Scientists Discover a Saturn-Like Ring System Eclipsing a Sun-Like Star
University of Rochester

A team of astrophysicists from the University of Rochester and Europe has discovered a ring system in the constellation Centaurus that invites comparisons to Saturn. This is the first system of discrete, thin, dust rings detected around a very low-mass object outside of our solar system.

18-Nov-2011 1:05 PM EST
Nerve Cells Key to Making Sense of Our Senses
University of Rochester

The human brain is bombarded with a cacophony of information from the eyes, ears, nose, mouth and skin. Now a team of scientists at the University of Rochester, Washington University in St. Louis, and Baylor College of Medicine has unraveled how the brain manages to process those complex, rapidly changing, and often conflicting sensory signals to make sense of our world.

Released: 18-Nov-2011 2:15 PM EST
New Web Apps for the Tech-Savvy Students
University of Rochester

As the 2011-2012 admissions cycle gets under way, the University of Rochester now offers two website innovations designed to provide high school students with more information about the University and the admissions decision-making process.

Released: 9-Nov-2011 3:35 PM EST
College for All? Experts Available on College Access, Retention Topics
University of Rochester

In stride with President Obama’s higher education reform efforts to make college education more accessible and affordable and to help more students succeed once they get there, several University of Rochester researchers and practitioners, who are also doing their part to improve the landscape of higher education, are available for comment and interviews on issues from college access to college retention.

Released: 27-Oct-2011 3:35 PM EDT
University of Rochester Launches Online Exhibit of Largest Collection of AIDS Posters
University of Rochester

The world's largest collection of AIDS posters is now online, providing a visual history of the first three decades of the HIV/AIDS crisis from 1981 to the present. Launched in October during the 30th anniversary year of the identification of the disease, the University of Rochester exhibit consists of more than 6,200 posters from 100 plus countries in 60 languages.

Released: 5-Oct-2011 2:20 PM EDT
How Chronic Stress Short-Circuits Parenting
University of Rochester

Parents under long-term stress often find it challenging to tap into the patience, responsiveness, and energy required for effective child rearing. Now research from a University of Rochester team helps to explain why chronic stress and parenting are such a toxic mix. The study finds that ongoing strains, like poverty or depression, disrupt the body’s natural stress response, making mothers more likely to engage in a host of problematic parenting behaviors.

12-Aug-2011 12:00 PM EDT
Is Marriage Good for The Heart?
University of Rochester

Giving your heart to a supportive spouse turns out to be an excellent way to stay alive, according to new research from the University of Rochester. Happily wedded people who undergo coronary bypass surgery are more than three times as likely to be alive 15 years later as their unmarried counterparts, reports a study published online August 22 in Health Psychology, a publication of the American Psychological Association.

6-Jul-2011 3:00 PM EDT
Children’s Personalities Linked to Their Chemical Response to Stress
University of Rochester

Is your kid a “dove” – cautious and submissive when confronting new environments, or perhaps you have a “hawk” – bold and assertive in unfamiliar settings? These basic temperamental patterns are linked to opposite hormonal responses to stress – differences that may provide children with advantages for navigating threatening environments, researchers report in Development and Psychopathology.

Released: 28-Jun-2011 11:00 AM EDT
Neuroscientists Find Famous Optical Illusion Surprisingly Potent
University of Rochester

Scientists have figured out the brain mechanism that makes an optical illusion first reported by Aristotle work. The illusion, known as Motion Aftereffect in scientific circles, causes us to see movement where none exists.

15-Jun-2011 12:25 PM EDT
Is Coming Out Always a Good Thing?
University of Rochester

Coming out as lesbian, gay, or bisexual increases emotional well-being even more than earlier research has indicated. But the psychological benefits of revealing one’s sexual identity -- less anger, less depression, and higher self-esteem – are limited to supportive settings, shows a study published June 20 in Social Psychology and Personality Science. The findings underscore the importance of creating workplaces and other social settings that are accepting of all people, but especially gay, lesbian or bisexual individuals.

Released: 2-Jun-2011 11:45 AM EDT
Color Red Increases the Speed and Strength of Reactions
University of Rochester

When humans see red, their reactions become both faster and more forceful. And people are unaware of the color’s intensifying effect, finds a study in the latest issue of the journal Emotion.

11-Apr-2011 10:30 AM EDT
Parents’ ‘Um’s’ and ‘Uh’s’ Help Toddlers Learn New Words
University of Rochester

A study conducted at the University of Rochester’s Baby Lab shows that toddlers actually use their parents’ stumbles and hesitations (technically referred to as disfluencies) to help them learn language more efficiently.

16-Feb-2011 1:20 PM EST
A New High-Resolution Method for Imaging Below the Skin Using a Liquid Lens
University of Rochester

University of Rochester optics professor Jannick Rolland has developed an optical technology that provides unprecedented images under the skin’s surface. The aim of the technology is to detect and examine skin lesions to determine whether they are benign or cancerous without having to cut the suspected tumor out of the skin and analyze it in the lab.

Released: 16-Feb-2011 11:30 AM EST
Tying International Aid to Free Elections Is Key to Promoting Democracy in Egypt
University of Rochester

Although military takeovers have a nefarious tradition of installing brutal dictators, tying international aid to free elections can help to promote democracy in Egypt and other countries emerging from a military coup, says Hein Goemans, coauthor of the forthcoming book, Leaders and International Conflict.

Released: 8-Feb-2011 4:05 PM EST
Islamic Scholar Available for Comment on Egypt
University of Rochester

Th. Emil Homerin, professor of religion and an expert on Islam, is available for comment on the evolving protests in Egypt.
