Newswise — University of Saskatchewan plant breeding research received a major boost today thanks to a combined $100,000 cash and in-kind donation from Saskatoon-based implement manufacturer Morris Industries Ltd.

The donation provides the U of S Crop Development Centre with the use for three years of innovative seeding equipment, as well as a significant cash donation towards the CDC's new Grains Innovation Laboratory (GIL) now under construction and slated for completion in the fall of 2009.

"This generous sponsorship from Morris Industries will enable the CDC to gain new efficiencies in managing its farmlands and breeding programs and will contribute to the successful completion of the new lab," said CDC managing director Dorothy Murrell.

The GIL will provide expanded space for CDC scientists to screen cultivated varieties of plants—such as malting barley, wheat, pulses, flax, and oats—for quality characteristics that will lead to improved commercial products such as beer, bread, pasta, pea soup, flaxseed oil, and breakfast cereals.

She noted the use of the new Morris air drill and air cart will help the CDC seed its lands in a more accurate and efficient way. The CDC manages 3,000 acres of land east of Saskatoon, seeding 75 per cent to commercial crops and 25 per cent for breeding programs each year.

"Morris is proud to continue its long-standing commitment of providing seeding equipment to the CDC and to contribute to the new Grains Innovation Laboratory," said Morris Industries president Casey Davis.

"The CDC has greatly benefited our grower base and made significant contributions to the well-being of agriculture here in Saskatchewan and across Western Canada. We look forward to maintaining and building our relationship with the Crop Development Centre."

The new lab's core funding is being provided by the Saskatchewan Ministry of Agriculture and Agriculture and Agri-food Canada.

About the U of S Crop Development Centre: Located within the College of Agriculture and Bioresources, the Crop Development Centre is Saskatchewan's plant breeding institute. The CDC develops varieties of spring wheat, durum, canary seed, barley, oat, flax, pea, lentil, chickpea, and dry bean for the economic benefit of farmers and Saskatchewan's agricultural industry. Since its inception, the CDC has released over 300 new plant varieties.

About the University of Saskatchewan ( The University of Saskatchewan is one of the leading medical doctoral universities in Canada. With 58 degrees, diplomas and certificates in over 100 areas of study, the university is uniquely positioned in the areas of human, animal and plant studies. World-class research facilities, renowned faculty and award-winning students make the U of S a leader in post-secondary education.