Newswise — The New York Times reported last week that British drug regulators have found only one antidepressant currently on the market is safe to be prescribed to youth and that some antidepressants may increase suicidal thoughts in children and adolescents, raising questions about treatment alternatives. Vanderbilt Kennedy Center investigator Judy Garber can speak about options for parents in helping their teens safely handle and treat depression.

Over the past several years we have increasingly seen the prescription pad used to deal with adolescent stress and depression. "That isn't the only option, and for many teens, it may not be the best long-term solution," Garber said. "Dealing with stress and avoiding depression are learned skills we can teach youth. Practicing these skills can help reduce teens' risk for depression."

Garber is leading a national study, Teens Achieving Mastery Over Stress (TEAMS), which helps teens master stress and reduce or avoid depression without medication or as a supplement to medication

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