Newswise — The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), like others in the health care arena, has learned that integrating services, providing joint training and technical assistance, and collaborating across service sectors hold the most promise for effectively meeting health care needs for all Americans. These linkages are best achieved through relationship building activities – something that is difficult to accomplish from afar. In support of SAMHSA’s efforts to mobilize and coordinate behavioral health action in partnership with key leadership in States and communities, SAMHSA is establishing a Regional Office in Region VI in Dallas, Texas beginning in May 2010 in partnership with the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health. "Having a local presence is critical to the regional offices and for SAMHSA efforts nationwide,” said SAMHSA Administrator Pamela S. Hyde, J.D. Regional Administrator RADM Epi Elizondo, stated that SAMHSA’s presence will be value-added to the efforts of all U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) agencies. The Administrator has decided to draw upon the strengths and expertise of Senior Advisor Beverly Watts Davis to pilot this initiative. For the next six months, Beverly will serve as the SAMHSA Representative to HHS’ Region VI Office which serves the states of Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Texas. Her broad knowledge of SAMHSA and the behavioral health field will help move the initiative forward. While in the region, Beverly will continue to serve as SAMHSA’s representative to the Secretary’s HIV/AIDS Council. She will also be in frequent contact with the Center and Office Directors to establish SAMHSA’s regional leadership and presence within the broader health care community. Her work will focus directly on ensuring that behavioral health is considered a part of health as HHS transforms the health care system. This emphasis on behavioral health will ultimately make America’s health care system stronger, more integrative, and more capable of serving our nation’s diverse populations. Finally, Beverly’s work in Region VI will feed directly into one of SAMHSA’s Strategic Initiatives, Military Families – Active, Guard, Reserve, and Veteran led by Kathryn Power, Director of the Center for Mental Health Services, which is designed to ensure that New Mexico National Guard members and their families have access to behavioral health resources. This initiative will promote SAMHSA’s ability to leverage with states, local communities, and other federal agencies in the region to accomplish common missions and provide enhanced services to the public. It will also serve to inform discussions about expanding SAMHSA’s presence in other HHS Regional Offices.

SAMHSA is a public health agency within the Department of Health and Human Services. Its mission is to reduce the impact of substance abuse and mental illness on America’s communities.

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