Contact:Missy Gough, (847) 240-1734 [email protected]

Karen Klickmann, (847) 240-1735[email protected]

Jennifer Gale, (847) 240-1730[email protected]EMBARGOED UNTIL OCTOBER 18, 2000


NEW YORK (October 18, 2000) -- Each year, more and more Americans are turning to botulinum toxin to reverse the telltale signs of aging. Carefully injected by dermatologists and dermatologic surgeons in very low doses, botulinum toxin can dramatically soften frown lines, crows feet, and other wrinkles.

Speaking today at the American Academy of Dermatology's Derm Update 2000, dermatologist Harold Brody, M.D., Clinical Professor of Dermatology, Emory University School of Medicine, Atlanta, Georgia, discussed the recent advances in botulinum toxin.

Botulinum toxin, best known as the cause of botulism food poisoning, blocks nerve signals transmitted from the brain to the muscle, causing paralysis of the injected muscle. It works locally by inhibiting the release of acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter, from the nerve. Since botulinum toxin decreases the patient's ability to frown or squint, it also safely and effectively prevents the progressive worsening of these lines over time.

"Botulinum toxin has truly revolutionized the treatment of wrinkles," said Dr. Brody. "What's even more exciting is that we continue to find new uses for this toxin."

The most common uses of botulinum toxin that were developed by dermatologists are the treatment of frown lines between the eyebrows (glabella), crow's feet and forehead lines. In addition, dermatologists also discovered that botulinum toxin can be used in the treatment neck band muscles and malpositioned eyebrows.

Botulinum toxin has also been proven successful in treating individuals who suffer from excessive sweating, or hyperhidrosis. Botulinum toxin can be used to decrease sweating on the palms or soles, underarms, forehead or genital areas by injecting the toxin into the affected areas. Once injected, botulinum toxin paralyzes the sweat glands of the skin which are responsible for excessive perspiration.

Recently, dermatologists have noted that both migraine and tension headaches are improved when the forehead is treated with botulinum toxin. New testing has demonstrated its effectiveness in the treatment of rashes due to spasm of the anal or vaginal muscles, writer's cramp and spastic disorders, such as post-stroke spasticity or neck muscle spasticity. Also significant is its use before and after cosmetic dermatologic surgical resurfacing procedures (lasers, peeling, dermabrasion) for sun-damaged skin to maintain good results. When injected prior to the procedure, botulinum toxin allows smooth healing of resurfacing by preventing movement. Injected after resurfacing, botulinum toxin prevents the reappearance of movement-induced wrinkles.

Injecting botulinum toxin into the skin is a quick and easy in-office procedure that takes less than 30 minutes. Within a week after a patient is injected with botulinum toxin, the affected wrinkles will smooth out from disuse of the muscle.

"Results typically last three-to-four months at the beginning of botulinum toxin treatment, but as multiple sessions progress the time interval between injections will increase due to both increased muscle thinning and conditioned behavior modification on the part of the patient," explained Dr. Brody. "Patients respond well to this treatment and are generally highly satisfied with the results."

In 1989, the Food and Drug Administration approved botulinum toxin for spasms of the eyelid and eye muscle problems. In 1991, it was discovered in dermatology and ophthalmology that patients who were treated with botulinum toxin also experienced the disappearance of wrinkles in the eye area. It is presently an off-label use of an approved drug.

The American Academy of Dermatology, founded in 1938, is the largest, most influential, and most representative of all dermatologic associations. With a membership of over 13,000 dermatologists worldwide, the Academy is committed to: advancing the science and art of medicine and surgery related to the skin; advocating high standards in clinical practice, education, and research in dermatology; supporting and enhancing patient care; and promoting a lifetime of healthier skin, hair and nails. For more information, contact the AAD at 1-888-462-DERM or

The American Society for Dermatologic Surgery (ASDS) was founded in 1970 to promote excellence in the field of dermatologic surgery and to foster the highest standards of patient care. For more information on cosmetic skin surgery and referrals to doctors in specific geographic areas, please contact the ASDS Consumer Hotline, 1-800-441-ASDS (2737), during weekday business hours or visit our Web site at

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