SAVE THE DATES: PEDIATRIC ACADEMIC SOCIETIES ANNUAL MEETING What is happening in pediatric research? Find out at the Pediatric Academic Societies' 1998 annual meeting, May 1-5, 1998 at the Convention Center in New Orleans, sponsored by the American Pediatric Society, the Society for Pediatric Research, and the Ambulatory Pediatric Association. (

In addition to state-of-the-art plenary sessions on asthma, brain metabolism and injury, fetal and neonatal medicine, gene therapy, telemedicine, endocrine development, cell signaling, child health services research, and thromboembolic disease in children: a product of modern technology, there will be sessions on controversies in neonatal medicine, pediatric bioethics, and HIV.

Researchers will present more than 2,500 abstracts and posters on all aspects of pediatric research and care. A media briefing is planned on trends in pediatric research and the impact of research on children's and adult health today and tomorrow.