Newswise — Howard McLeod, Ph.D., directs the UNC Institute for Pharmacogenomics and Individualized Therapy (IPIT) in the UNC School of Pharmacy. McLeod, Fred Eshelman Distinguished Professor of Pharmacy, has published over 250 peer-reviewed papers on pharmacogenomics, applied therapeutics, or clinical pharmacology and continues to work to integrate genetics principles into clinical practice to advance individualized medicine.

The principal investigator of CREATE Pharmacogenetics Research Network, McLeod is also a member of the NIH-funded Pharmacogenetics Research Network and the FDA subcommittee on Clinical Pharmacology. One of his early first IPIT initiatives are cancer drugs. He serves on the Scientific Program and Cancer Research Committees for the American Society for Clinical Oncology.

Says McLeod, a member of UNC Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center, "As clinical evidence grows and the regulatory and reimbursement structure catches up with practice, pharmacogenomics will begin to be an important component of a more rational approach to more safe and effective clinical care."

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