Newswise — Canton, NY - In a tradition dating back nearly 30 years, St. Lawrence University students, parents, faculty, staff, alumni and friends will attempt to scale all 46 “high peaks” of the Adirondack Mountains during the September 30 through Oct. 2 weekend. “Peak Weekend,” as the event is called, is sponsored by University's Outing Club, the second-oldest outing organization at any college in the U.S. Over the years, the club has succeeded more often than not in placing participants on all of the high peaks, defined as a mountain above 4,000 feet in vertical elevation, during the event. In addition to spectacular views of the region during peak fall foliage time, Outing Club members say the event is designed to introduce students to all that the region has to offer for outdoor recreation.

St. Lawrence, in Canton, New York, one of the leaders among U.S. campuses in sustainability, also offers students the Adirondack Semester, which literally immerses students in nature. All courses in the program are concerned with the environment and nature, and are taught at a remote site about 50 miles away from campus, on the shore of an Adirondack lake where glaciers melted 12,000 years ago. Students live on site as well, in yurts, and faculty teaching in the program canoe to the site for classes.

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