Contact: Mali Einen, (901)482-2025, [email protected]


GERMANTOWN, Tennessee -- September 7, 2000 -- Talk About Sleep, the Internet sleep information and support company, today launches its new web site: Dedicated to improving the lives of those who suffer from sleep problems and disorders, Talk About Sleep creates access to sleep information, education and support, providing consumers with the tools for gaining better sleep.

Over 40 million Americans suffer with debilitating sleep disorders, and surveys show an additional sixty million people experience sleep difficulties more than once per week. The cost to society is billions of dollars in lost productivity, insurance claims, wasted medical resources, and a greatly reduced quality of life.

Although the numbers of those suffering from sleep and sleep-related problems are staggering, the fragmented healthcare market has great difficulty adequately serving this large population. Talk About Sleep's mission is to increase awareness of sleep and sleep disorders in the general public and within the medical professional communities, helping to identify and facilitate the management of sleep problems.

According to Harris Interactive, about 98 million adults use the Internet to find health-related information. That is almost double the estimated 54 million in 1998, and includes 86% of Internet users. Talk About Sleep is positioned to serve this multi-million member healthcare segment of sleep and sleep disorders, satisfying the information and support gap.

Talk About Sleep serves its members by creating access to credible, unbiased, current news and information about sleep, while also providing expanded support and community services not available elsewhere on the Internet. Interactive message boards and a full schedule of hosted chats enable the Talk About Sleep community to access the support and guidance they seek. With greater access and awareness, consumers are empowered to better manage their sleep and sleep disorder problems. Talk About Sleep,, is All Sleep All the Time, creating one-to-one relationships and continually communicating with its members.


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