Newswise — The Society for Risk Analysis (SRA) awarded seven prestigious scholarly and service awards and named three new fellows at this year’s virtual annual meeting. These awardees were recognized for their exceptional contributions to SRA and to the risk analysis community. The award recipients were nominated by their peers, selected by an SRA committee, and approved by the SRA Council. This year’s awardees include:

2021 SRA Chauncey Starr Award – Janet Yang, Ph.D., from the University at Buffalo. Given to a professional age 40 or younger, Yang is recognized for her remarkable record of research, teaching and service.

2021 SRA Distinguished Educator Award – Gerd Gigerenzer, Ph.D., from the University of Potsdam, for his contributions to training new people in risk analysis topics.

2021 SRA Richard J. Burk Outstanding Service Award – Margot Kattschreuter, Ph.D., from the University of Twente and John Lathrop, Ph.D., from Decision Strategies, LLC for their extraordinary service to the Society over many years.

2021 SRA Outstanding Practitioner Award – Lisa A. Robinson, MPP, from Harvard University, for her substantial contributions to the practice of risk analysis related to the assessment of federal regulations to manage environmental health risks.

2021 SRA Distinguished Achievement Award – Sven-Ove Hansson, from Royal Institutet of Technology and Roger McClellan, Ph.D. for their extraordinary achievement and leadership in science and public policy relation to risk analysis.

2021 SRA Fellows – The 2021 class of SRA Fellows were selected for their achievements in science or public policy relating to risk analysis and substantial service to the Society. Fellows include: Wandi Bruine de Bruin, Ph.D., University of Southern California, Jason Clay, Senversa, William Hallman, Ph.D., Rutgers University.


About SRA 

The Society for Risk Analysis is a multidisciplinary, interdisciplinary, scholarly, international society that provides an open forum for all those interested in risk analysis. SRA was established in 1980. Since 1982, it has continuously published Risk Analysis: An International Journal, the leading scholarly journal in the field. For more information, visit