Newswise — This conference brings together experts in various fields of engineering, from biomedical to environmental to materials engineering to the artificial intelligence community to discuss the state of the art and find solutions and trends for the future development of this exciting and cutting edge research and technology domain. This conference is the 14th ISOEN meeting sponsored by ISOCS and will attract the interest of pharmaceutical companies, the food and consumer goods industries as well as the (homeland) security and forensics agencies that would greatly benefit from the advances in artificial olfaction systems.

The 2011 conference is organized by Engineering Conferences International, a not-for-profit global engineering conferences program, originally established in 1962, that provides opportunities for the exploration of problems and issues of concern to engineers and scientists from many disciplines.

The conference is chaired by Professor Perena Gouma, Director of the Center for Nanomaterials and Sensor Development at Stony Brook University. Confirmed keynote and plenary speakers include Dr. Leslie B. Vosshall (Rockefeller University, USA), Sheik A. Akbar (Ohio State University, USA), Conrad Bessant (Cranfield University, UK), Kenneth Suslick (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA) and Akiyoshi Taniguchi (Waseda University-NIMS Joint Graduate Program, Japan).

Complete conference information, including the preliminary program and registration information, is available at