Newswise — (Kansas City, MO): The Vasculitis Foundation is pleased to announce it has selected two new research studies on eosinophilic granulomatosis with polyangiitis (EGPA) /Churg Strauss for funding in the amount of $98,000.

The first study, “Exome Sequencing in EGPA Patients” is a two-year study led by Dr. Davide Martorana, Ph.D., Diagnostic Department, Medical Genetics Unit, University Hospital of Parma, Italy.

Specific aims of this study will be to develop newer potential EGPA diagnostic and prognostic biomarkers by exome sequencing and computational modeling, clinical subset stratification of EGPA patients on the basis of the genetic study and to ascertain the diagnostic-prognostic role of the whole findings.

The second VF-funded study is titled, “Investigating Autoimmune Mechanisms Underlying EGPA”.

It is a $50,000, one-year study, led by Parameswaran Nair, M.D., McMaster University in Ontario, Canada.

The studies were selected through a special award competition held earlier this year. The new studies are being funded by a generous donation from Mr. and Mrs. Ben and Kathy Johnson.

EGPA/Churg Strauss Syndrome is a serious rare ‘autoimmune’ condition that affects multiple organs, primarily lung, peripheral nerves, heart, gastrointestinal tract and skin.

Since 1986, the Vasculitis Foundation has empowered patients through disease education, raising awareness of vasculitis in the general public and medical community, and funding research to determine the cause, develop more effective treatments, and discover a cure. The VF is committed to improving the lives of current and future patients and is positioned as the definitive resource for patients, family members, medical professionals and researchers seeking information about vasculitis.

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