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Contact: Shauna LaFauci: 617/353-2399 [email protected]


More Than 450 Scientists to Attend 80th Annual Meeting, June 17-21, 2000

(Durham, NH)-More than 450 scientists and students from around the world will convene in Durham, New Hampshire, from June 17-21, 2000, to attend the 80th annual meeting of the American Society of Mammalogists (ASM). The yearly meeting of the Society provides opportunities for members to share recent discoveries from a wide array of topics, including evolution and genetics, ecology, behavior, conservation, and natural history.

"We are excited to have such a variety of topics being presented at this year's meeting," says Dr. Thomas H. Kunz, president-elect of the ASM and director of Boston University's Center for Ecology and Conservation Biology. "The continued enthusiasm for the field of mammalian biology is shown by the overwhelming popularity of this meeting."

In addition to more than 250 technical oral and poster presentations, the meeting includes plenary lectures, keynote speeches, and a symposium. This year, the special ASM symposium will be hosted by Dr. Patrick A. Zollner and will cover "Movement as a Link Between Behavioral and Landscape Ecology."

The symposium will provide details on understanding animal movement and population maintenance. According to Kunz, "By studying responses of mammals to fragmented environments, researchers learn about strategies for survival and are able to transfer this knowledge to understand the behavior patterns of other animals."

The ASM is an organization of scientists, natural resource managers, and others who have interests in any and all aspects of mammalian biology. ASM is dedicated to promoting interest in mammals throughout the world through research, education, and communication among scientists and the general public. The ASM accomplishes this through annual meetings, international conferences, committee activities, research and educational awards, and publication of scientific and non-technical materials, including the Journal of Mammalogy and Mammalian Species.

For conference registration and additional information, contact Dr. John A. Latviatis ([email protected]), University of New Hampshire, or visit the meeting website (

June 13, 2000

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