Using satellites to monitor global climate

Due to the heavy volume of calls and requests for information relating to
the accuracy and reliability of global climate monitoring by microwave
sounding units aboard NOAA satellites, background information about that
subject has been posted on the UAH web site. The address is:

Using satellites to monitor global climate

Due to the heavy volume of calls and requests for information relating to
the accuracy and reliability of global climate monitoring by microwave
sounding units aboard NOAA satellites, background information about that
subject has been posted on the UAH web site.

The address is:

We hope this material is of value. If you have any questions or need
additional material, please do not hesitate to call:
Dr. John Christy at (205) 992-5763 [email protected]
Dr. Roy Spencer at (205) 922-5960 [email protected]
Phillip Gentry at (205) 890-6414 [email protected]