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Newswise — RICHMOND, Va. (March 26, 2012) – Virginia Commonwealth University and the VCU Health System have three health care reform experts available to the media whose study found that the cost of caring for the uninsured population who will gain coverage through the Affordable Care Act of 2014 can be reduced by almost half once the act is implemented.

Cathy J. Bradley , Ph.D., chair of the Department of Healthcare Policy and Research in the VCU School of Medicine ; Sheryl Garlan d, vice president of health policy and community relations for the VCU Health System; and Sheldon Retchin, M.D., vice president for health sciences of VCU and CEO of the VCU Health System, are available for comment on health care reform and implications of the Supreme Court’s rulings on the Affordable Care Act of 2014.

The Affordable Care Act is a law that aims to improve the current health care system by increasing access to health coverage for Americans and introducing new protections for people who have health insurance. The politically charged case is currently being reviewed by the Supreme Court, with oral arguments beginning today.

Bradley, Garland and Retchin collaborated recently with other researchers in a study titled “Lessons for Coverage Expansion: A Virginia Primary Care Program for the Uninsured Reduced Utilization and Cut Costs.” To view the findings, visit http://content.healthaffairs.org/content/31/2/350.full.pdf+html?ijkey=Uhk1iQnIXyIsg&keytype=ref&siteid=healthaff .