Newswise — Babson College has named Walter Esquivel Executive Director of the William F. Glavin Center for Global Management, the organization that leads Babson's international initiatives and contributions to the advancement of global management education.

Through its regional institutes in Asia, Europe, and Latin America, and the Office of International Programs, the Glavin Center creates a worldwide network of partner institutions from which new intellectual capital and experiential opportunities continually arise. With the mission to bring a global orientation to all facets of Babson's management education and programs, the Glavin Center ensures that every Babson student receives the preparation needed to succeed in the global economy.

Esquivel is also the Luksic Director of the Institute for Latin American Business (ILAB). ILAB builds and maintains Babson's network of partner schools and institutions across Latin America, enabling an exchange of knowledge and experience between the Americas. Through this network, the Institute actively shares Babson's expertise in entrepreneurship curriculum development and teaching with the region's leading business schools. In addition to that, he teaches Family Enterprising.

"As director of the Glavin Center for Global Management, I plan to enhance the strategic dimension of 'global perspective' in order to add global experiences on and off campus to both undergrad and graduate students," says Esquivel. "I will also put a process in place that supports faculty members' growth in 'global' areas, and to develop and execute strategy to extend Babson's global efforts worldwide."

Prior to joining Babson, Esquivel, as CEO of Navex, developed a successful 'container logistics' business in Costa Rica consisting of an ocean shipping agency (Sea Land Service, Inc.), inland transportation, container storage and repair, and stevedoring services.

He served as Chairman of the Board of CINDE, an institution whose mission is to attract foreign direct investment (FDI) into Costa Rica; President of AMCHAM (American Chamber of Commerce), which together with the other AMCHAM's of the region, has been instrumental in promoting a Free Trade Agreement with USA; and has served as a board member in a variety of industries such as a banking/finance, food processing, and a manufacturing Free Zone development company.

He also participates actively in YPO (Young Presidents Organization) and WPO (World Presidents Organization) to nurture and mentor the entrepreneurial spirit. Esquivel earned a B.A. from California State University at Long Beach and attended the PAG (Programa de Alta Gerencia) Executive Business Program at INCAE. He is fluent in three languages (English, Spanish and French).

Babson College in Wellesley, Mass., is recognized internationally as a leader in entrepreneurial management education. Babson grants BS degrees through its innovative undergraduate program, and grants MBA and custom MS and MBA degrees through the F.W. Olin Graduate School of Business at Babson College. Babson Executive Education offers executive development programs to experienced managers worldwide. For information, visit

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