WORLD CHIROPRACTIC ALLIANCE2950 N. Dobson Rd. -- Suite 1Chandler, AZ 85224



Contact: Dr. Terry Rondberg, 800-347-1011, 480-786-9235 WCA HONORS AIR FORCE OFFICER WHO REFUSED VACCINE

U.S. Air Force Capt. John Buck is a medical doctor who, in the greatest tradition of the United States armed services, has shown extraordinary courage in the face of adversity.

Yet, in his case the battlefield wasn't in the jungles of Vietnam or the deserts of Iraq, but the quagmire of military medical politics.

Capt. Buck, an emergency room physician, is the first American serviceman to face court-martial for refusing to be subjected to the anthrax vaccine. He has become the center of a heated debate about the controversial drug and has been outspoken in his opposition to the military's mass inoculation plan. For his staunch and courageous refusal to permit the government to innoculate him against his will, the World Chiropractic Alliance (WCA) honored him at its International Summit, March 2, 2001.

The Pentagon has ordered more than 2.4 million active-duty and reserve military personnel -- including many who will most likely never see combat -- to be vaccinated against anthrax. The order stemmed from fears that hostile nations or terrorists could use anthrax spores in germ warfare.

However, opponents of the plan argue that the drug has never been properly tested and its long-term affects are unknown.

Numerous service men and women objected to the program and many refused to be vaccinated. Some resigned rather than being forced to take the drug. Others were kicked out of the service, demoted or disciplined. Capt. Buck is the only one so far who faces court martial over the issue.

"The anthrax program was a well-intended program developed to protect our troops from the threat of anthrax," he explained. "However, it was built on a very narrow scientific foundation... The vaccine was never approved for mass inoculation to prevent pulmonary anthrax. It should be considered investigational."

He also objects to the fact that military officials do not inform personnel of the possible risks of the drug.

"Our servicemen deserve to be told the risks and potential benefits, yet ultimately be given the choice," Buck stated. "I believe this encroaches on their rights as citizens and human beings."

The World Chiropractic Alliance (WCA), which has been in the forefront of the fight against mandatory vaccines, appaluded Buck for his heroic stand.

"As doctors of chiropractic, we all understand how difficult it is to stand up against the medical establishment," stated Terry A. Rondberg, D.C., president of the WCA. "Add to that the full force of the military and you can see what Capt. Buck was up against. Yet, he refused to sacrifice his principles and for that, the World Chiropractic Alliance honors him and holds him up as an example for all those engaged in the fight for freedom of choice."

In accepting the honor, Buck told Dr. Rondberg, "I am just one man. I do not know what my ultimate outcome will be, but I could not walk away from this travesty of justice being committed against our troops."

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