Cell Biologists Issue First “Graphic” Cell News Story: Revealing Cancer Cell Collaborators

Newswise — The American Society for Cell Biology has released its first science news press release in graphic format on new research that reveals how metastasizing cancer cells enlist non-cancerous collaborators to rearrange the extracellular matrix into a highway for tumor migration. The ASCB is also issuing a traditional text and image press release on the work by Begum Erdogan, Donna Webb, and collaborators at Vanderbilt University. (See ASCB’s text release, “Cancer cell collaborators smooth the way for cancer cells to metastasize.”)

“Graphic novels are finding a growing audience,” says ASCB Science Writer Christina Szalinski. “So why not use a graphic format to present a cell science news story?” Szalinski wrote and sketched out the one-page story, working with the Vanderbilt researchers and ASCB Production Manager Johnny Chang to put complex scientific work into a concise, accessible graphic.

Cancer‐associated fibroblasts promote directional migration of cancer cells via parallel organization of the fibronectin matrix B. Erdogan1, M. Ao1, B.M. Brewer2, O.E. Franco3,4,5, S.W. Hayward3,4,5, D. Li2, D.J. Webb1,3 1Biological Sciences, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, 2Mechanical Engineering, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, 3Cancer Biology, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, 4Urologic Surgery, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, 5Surgery, NorthShore University HealthSystem, Evanston, IL

Contact author: Begum Erdogan[email protected]Lab (615) 343-9031

For ASCB, contact: John Fleischman[email protected]

Video also available: “JHUcells on CAF-CDM” www.vimeo.com/147615483Caption for video: Red labeled JHU12 head and neck carcinoma cells are migrating on CAF-derived extracellular matrix (green). Images were taken every 10 minutes for 3 hours using a confocal microscope.