Newswise — Kimberly Tanner and Jeffrey Schinske will become co-Editors-in-Chief of CBE—Life Sciences Education (LSE) on August 1, 2020. The two will succeed Erin Dolan after her second term as Editor-in-Chief.

LSE is the peer-reviewed, open-access journal on life science education research from the American Society for Cell Biology.

Tanner, professor of biology at San Francisco State University (SFSU), joined the editorial board when LSE was founded in 2002. She served as guest editor for the 2006 special issue on neuroscience education and is the current guest co-editor for the 2020 special issue on cross-disciplinary biology education research. A prolific author, her many publications in LSE include the popular series of features Approaches to Biology Teaching and Learning. At SFSU, she founded the Science Education Partnership and Assessment Laboratory, which focuses on how people learn science, especially biology, and how teachers and scientists can collaborate to make science teaching and learning more like how scientists work.

Schinske, chair of biology at Foothill College in Los Altos Hills, CA, joined the LSE editorial board in 2013. His research focuses on understanding issues of equity and inclusion in the classroom. His involvement in education research includes co-directing the Community College Biology Instructor Network Supporting Inquiry in Teaching and Education Scholarship, a National Science Foundation initiative supporting nationwide partnerships to engage community college faculty in biology education research.

“The members of the ASCB Council and I are confident that Kimberly and Jeff are the ideal leaders to maintain the journal’s upward trajectory, continue its outreach to the broader life sciences education community, and navigate some of the challenges it faces such as the journal’s transition to long-term financial sustainability,” said ASCB CEO Erika Shugart in an email to the LSE editorial board.

ASCB is grateful to members of the search committee who identified Tanner and Schinske and recommended them for approval by the ASCB Council: Peggy Brickman (chair), Jennifer Loertscher, Graham Hatfull, Ross Nehm, Gary Reiness, and Carl Wieman.

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