Student contact at the University of Texas at Austin:
Neil Rajan
[email protected]

Media relations contact at University of Texas at Austin:
Josh Allen
[email protected]

Business Competitions Fill the Bill for Corporate Recruiters
UT Austinís Contest Matches Talent with Talent Seekers

October 1999, Austin, TX -- Todayís lean businesses must recruit judiciously to cut training costs, keep turn-over low, and maintain a cutting-edge workforce. Thatís why more and more companies are becoming involved in student business competitions to spot -- and claim, if theyíre lucky -- young talent in advance of the recruiting season.

The academic business competition is just becoming established at the undergraduate level and is quickly gaining in sophistication and reputation. Already, The University of Texas at Austin, the University of Virginia, and the University of Southern California hold such intercollegiate competitions; and companies such as EDS sponsor others.

But UT Austinís sixth annual International Business Challenge (IBC), which begins today, is unique in that it is the only competition of its kind organized and run solely by students. The undergraduates secure company sponsorship from McKinsey & Co., solicit teams from top business schools around the world, and manage all aspects of the four-day event. This year, UT is hosting 80 exceptional students from the United States, Norway, Hong Kong, Brazil, Thailand, Mexico, and Canada. The competition will be fierce, yet friendly.

And it is precisely among such an assembly of promising business leaders that IBC sponsors McKinsey & Co. want to be. Students receive a real-world management case study and present their solutions within three days. Judges from consulting firms and industry, including the company providing the case, will view finalistsí presentations beginning at 2:00 p.m. on Saturday, October 30, in Room 2.102A of the University Teaching Center Building on the UT Austin campus, at 21st Street and Speedway.

For more information on IBC, go to
