Title:  Adjuvant Chemotherapy Does Not Improve Recurrence-Free Survival in Patients With Stage 2 or Stage 3 Rectal Cancer After Neoadjuvant Chemoradiotherapy and Total Mesorectal Excision
Video Creator: Rachel K. Voss, M.D., M.P.H., Jane C. Lin, M.S., Michelle T. Roper, M.D. Mohammed H. Al-Temimi, M.D., Joseph Ruan, M.D., Warren Tseng, M.D., Michael Tam, M.D., Matthew J. Sherman, M.D., Daniel D. Klaristenfeld, M.D., Marco J. Tomassi, M.D.
Description: In stage 2/3 rectal cancer treated with chemoradiotherapy and surgery, the addition of adjuvant chemotherapy was not associated with decreased recurrence-free survival in the entire cohort or in any subgroup, whereas tumor response to chemoradiotherapy is closely associated with disease recurrence. These findings have important consequences for treatment and surveillance decisions for patients with rectal cancer. Presurgical efforts that maximize tumor downstaging, such as total neoadjuvant therapy, may produce better oncologic outcomes than traditional adjuvant chemotherapy.

Title: Indocyanine Green Fluorescence Imaging-Guided Laparoscopic Surgery Could Achieve Radical D3 Dissection in Patients With Advanced Right-Sided Colon Cancer
Video Creator:  Soo Yeun Park, M.D.,  Jun Seok Park, M.D., Ph.D.,  Hye Jin Kim, M.D., In Teak Woo, M.D.,  In Kyu Park, M.D., Gyu-Seog Choi, M.D., Ph.D.
Description:  Real-time indocyanine green fluorescence imaging of lymph nodes may improve the performance of more radical D3 lymph node dissection during laparoscopic right hemicolectomy for advanced right-sided colon cancer.

Title: A Proposal for Novel Standards of Histopathology Reporting for D3 Lymphadenectomy in Right Colon
Cancer: The Mesocolic Sail and Superior Right Colic Vein Landmarks 

Author: Alvaro Garcia-Granero, M.D., Ph.D., Gianluca Pellino, Ph.D., Francisco Giner, Ph.D., Matteo Frasson, Ph.D., Isabel Grifo Albalat, M.D., Luis Sánchez Guillén, M.D., Alfonso A. Valverde-Navarro, Ph.D., Eduardo Garcia-Granero, Ph.D.

Description: The authors propose the right mesocolic sail and trunk of superior right colic vein as new and reproducible anatomopathologic standards of D3 lymphadenectomy in oncologic right hemicolectomy.




Title: A Comparison of the Short-Term Outcomes of Three Flap Reconstruction Techniques Used After Beyond Total Mesorectal Excision Surgery for Anorectal Cancer
Video Creator:  Daniel L.H. Baird, M.B., Ch.B., Gianluca Pellino, M.D., Ph.D., Shahnawaz Rasheed, M.B.B.S., Ph.D., Kieran T. Power, M.Sc., Christos Kontovounisios, M.D., Ph.D., Paris P. Tekkis, M.D., Kelvin W. Ramsey, M.A., MB., B.Chir.
Description: The techniques appear comparable. The approaches should be considered complementary, and
the choice should be individualized.

Title: Middle-Term Outcomes of Gatekeeper Implantation for Fecal Incontinence
Video Creator:  Luigi Brusciano, M.D., Ph.D., Salvatore Tolone, M.D., Ph.D., Gianmattia Del Genio, M.D., Ph.D., Ugo Grossi, M.D., Antonio Schiattarella, M.D., Francesco Pio Piccolo, M.D., Jacopo Martellucci, M.D., Michele Schiano di Visconte, M.D.,  Ludovico Docimo, MD, Ph.D.
Description:  Initial improvements after Gatekeeper implantation for fecal incontinence are sustained in
the middle term. Accurate preoperative evaluation of coexistent clinical conditions that may negatively affect
outcomes is recommended for patient selection.

Title: How Should the Low Anterior Resection Syndrome Score Be Interpreted?
Video Creator:   Aia Al-Saidi, M.D.,  Sanne J. Verkuijl, B.Sc.,  Sijbrand Hofker, M.D., Monika Trzpis, Ph.D., Paul M.A. Broens, M.D., Ph.D.
Description:  Minor and major low anterior resection syndrome occur in a large portion of the general Dutch
population and even in a healthy subgroup. This implies that the low anterior resection syndrome score can only be
used to interpret the functional result of the low anterior resection provided that a baseline measurement of each
individual is available. Furthermore, because people with low anterior resection syndrome often experience
constipation and/or fecal incontinence, direct examination and diagnosis of these conditions might be a more efficient
approach to treating patient bowel dysfunctions.

Title: Wearable Technology in the Perioperative Period: Predicting Risk of Postoperative Complications in
Patients Undergoing Elective Colorectal Surgery
Video Creator:   Traci L. Hedrick, M.D., M.S., Taryn E. Hassinger, M.D., M.S., Emma Myers, B.A., Elizabeth D. Krebs, M.D., M.Sc., David Chu, B.S.,  Ashley N. Charles, B.S.R.T., Sook C. Hoang, M.D., Charles M. Friel, M.D., Robert H. Thiele, M.D.
Description:  There is significant room for improvement in baseline preoperative activity levels of patients undergoing colorectal surgery, and poor activity is associated with increased postoperative complications. These data will serve as the basis for an interventional trial investigating whether wearable devices help improve surgical outcomes through a monitored preoperative exercise program.

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Diseases of the Colon & Rectum Journal, April 2020