ESPS to Host Two Electronic Compliance Seminars

ESPS, Inc. will be hosting two free seminars on Electronic Compliance Management for executives in the pharmaceutical, biotechnology, medical device, and animal health industries. These seminars, to be held in Boston on December 3, 1999 and in Seattle on December 10, 1999, will discuss the impact and tools behind the major paradigm shift that industry is experiencing as it moves from a paper-based to an electronic compliance world.

The speakers will describe how electronic publishing is transforming the way research & development, manufacturing and quality control/assurance is handled. Areas such as ISO/regulatory submissions, site inspections, the product development life cycle, engineering design process/change management, product complaint/resolution management, and disaster recovery are all being streamlined due to the power of e-Compliance Management. Two case histories, a cross-industry roundtable, and a brief CoreDossie® product demonstration will also be included.

To register or for further information, please contact Kate Edmonds at (215) 619-6313.
A copy of the seminar brochure is available at the ESPS web site -- Please register soon, since seating is limited.


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