Newswise — One of the reviewers of the United Nations' Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change's major international analysis of the impact of human activities on Earth's weather climate and global warming will be available to speak on the major findings of this report.

Katharine Hayhoe, a research associate professor in the Department of Geosciences at Texas Tech University, was not only one of the reviewers of the massive climate change study, but also her climate change research is cited in the study.

Hayhoe grabbed headlines at the beginning of October 2006 after her research found that the Northeast can expect hotter summers and shorter winters over the coming century, turning into what the South feels like today, if the nation continues to rely on fossil fuels for energy.

She led a team of 14 scientists for the year-long Northeastern climate change study, and results will appear in the upcoming March issue of the journal, Climate Dynamics. The research focused on nine states that ranged from Maine to New Jersey and across to Pennsylvania. The project was organized by the Union of Concerned Scientists.

At the end of October 2006, Hayhoe again garnered headlines with a global climate change study that used the IPCC's latest climate models. Her research found that the summer heat waves, prolonged droughts and heavy rainfall events that have occurred across much of the U.S. and Europe over the past few years are a preview of what we can expect in the future thanks to climate change.

This research was a product of collaborations with three other researchers from the National Center for Atmospheric Research in Boulder, Colo. and the Australian Bureau of Meteorology. It appeared in the December issue of the journal Climatic Change.

Both of these studies found that decreasing dependence on fossil fuels would result in less temperature change and smaller impacts from global warming during the coming century.